ghc cvs breaks LINE pragma?

Simon Marlow simonmar at
Tue Dec 16 16:46:09 EST 2003

> I use this little script called with 
> ghc -pgmF ./drift -F
> ; cat ./drift
> #!/bin/ash 
> if grep -q '{-!' $2; then
>   echo DrIFT $2 -o $3;
>   DrIFT $2 -o $3;
> else 
>   echo "{-# LINE \"$1\" 0 #-}" >> $3
>   cat $2 >> $3;
> fi
> however it seems to have stopped working with ghc cvs rather 
> than 6.01.
> it dies with a 'lexical error' on the LINE pragmas generated by the
> script and DrIFT.
> any idea what the problem is?
>         John

LINE pragmas are supposed to have the line number first.  As far as I
can tell, it's always been like this.  GHC 6.0 was a bit more relaxed
about accepting LINE pragmas, although I think that was an accident
(looking at the code it doesn't look like the pragma would be
interpreted properly, but it might be skipped over).


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