Tue, 12 Aug 2003 03:37:48 -0700
Dear Sir=2FMadam=2C
I have been instructed by my colleagues to look for partners who
can assist us execute an urgent business transaction involving
huge profits and international cooperation=2E
We are interested in the importation of Solar
Panels=2CAgricultural equipment and computer accessories=2EWe need a
foreign partner who can assist us with the transaction involving
US$31=2C 000 000=2E00=2Cwhich has been set-aside in an escrow account=2E
We have resolved that a negotiable percentage will be your
commission for participating in this transaction on our behalf
and any other assistance you may give in this deal=2E A percentage
will also be set aside from the entire sum to settle any
expenses we may incur in the cause on these transactions=2E
My colleagues and I are civil servants and as such=2C it is
not=2Cpossible for any of us to operate a foreign account
directly=2Chence we are soliciting your support=2E We propose to
finalize the transaction in ten working days=2E
If this proposal is accepted please respond to us via e-mail to
enable us provide you with the detailed modalities for the
successful completion of the project=2E I would also suppose you'd
prefer a voice contact which requires sending your telephone and
fax numbers to facilitate the various processes=2E
There is no risk involved we just need an international
contact=2EMoreso=2Cit will be of great importance you provide me
with your telephone=2Ffax details=2Cso we can have a more detailed
conversation regarding the whole project=2EThis is my private email address=28david=5Fokolo=40thepostmaster=2Enet=29 of which i will like you to send your reply=2E
Finally=2C if you are not interested in this proposal=2CI apologize
on behalf of myself and my colleagues for any inconvenience=2E
Yours Sincerely=2C
David Okolo=28Dr=29