Sockets again
George Russell
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 19:04:42 +0200
Keean Schupke wrote:> Hi,
> The problem is not with the haskell, but with telnet, which uses line
> buffered output itself.
> Try the following:
> module Main(main) where
> import IO
> import Network
> main = do
> socket <- listenOn (PortNumber 15151)
> (handle,hostName,_) <- accept socket
> hSetBuffering handle (BlockBuffering (Just 4096))
> putStr ("Accepted: "++hostName++"\n")
> c <- hGetLine handle
> putStrLn (show c)
> telnet to this, type a line and hit return ... should print the line.
I presume this is the same program I sent. I *did* hit return, so I don't
think that's the problem.