Help Creating Libraries

Dominic Steinitz
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 12:09:28 +0100

I've tried building the libraries tree but got the following. Can anyone

I'm not sure what name to give the proposed crypto library. Should it be

[dom@tility libraries]$ make boot
===fptools== Recursively making `boot' in base haskell98 network haskell-src
PWD = /home/dom/fptools/libraries
==fptools== make boot -r;
 in /home/dom/fptools/libraries/base
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/prelude/primops.txt', needed by
`GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs'.  Stop.
make: *** [boot] Error 1
[dom@tility libraries]$

Dominic Steinitz
----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Marlow" <>
To: "Simon Peyton-Jones" <>; "Dominic Steinitz"
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: Help Creating Libraries

Hi Dominic,

There are two ways to add libraries: do it directly in a GHC tree using
our build infrastructure, or try to do it on your own.  We tried to get
some interest going in developing a separate build infrastructure for
people in your position (see discussions on the GHC lists), but that
effort seems to be stalled.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Peyton-Jones
> Sent: 07 April 2003 08:51
> To: Dominic Steinitz; Simon Marlow
> Cc: Simon Peyton-Jones
> Dominic
> Excellent!  Simon is the library king, but he's away today.
> I think it goes like this: you agree with Simon (and
> preferably the libraries list what the
> name and signature of your module will be.  We give you CVS
> access.  You check out the libraries tree (no need to build
> GHC if you don't want to) and add your library.  With Haddock
> documentation.  That's it.
> But it ought to be documented -- then more people might do it!
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: Dominic Steinitz []
> | Sent: 06 April 2003 17:09
> | To: Simon Peyton-Jones; Simon Marlow
> |
> | Simon & Simon,
> |
> | I'd quite like to create a crypto library. There are some
> modules already
> | scattered around the place: md5, sha1, des and rsa. I've
> just added cipher
> | block chaining mode to the existing des module.
> |
> | I'd be grateful for any advice on how to set about creating
> a library. Do I
> | have to check out the ghc source from CVS and build it and
> somehow add an
> | extra library? Is there a document describing how to do it?
> Should I be
> | asking this question on the libraries mailing list?
> |
> | Dominic Steinitz
> |