Optimisation and unsafePerformIO

David Sabel dsabel@stud.uni-frankfurt.de
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 18:32:06 +0100

Consider the following program:

{-# NOINLINE b #-}

b x  = if even x then unsafePerformIO getChar else bot

bot = bot

main = do
         putChar (b 4)
         putChar (b 6)


when you compile the programm with the options: -O0
and execute the program you get:
> test
ab      (That's the input)
ab      (That's the ouput)

when you compile the programm with the options: -O1 -fno-cse
you get:
> test

my question is now: which transformation/optimisation is responsible for
that, and is it
possible to switch off this transformation?

David Sabel