EVACUATED object entered! (when doing FFI)
Simon Peyton-Jones
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:28:30 +0100
It's certainly a bug of some kind. Please say what version of GHC you
are using. If it's the latest one (5.04.1), please send us the source
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Francis Girard [mailto:francis.girard@free.fr]
| Sent: 24 October 2002 04:02
| To: glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org
| Subject: EVACUATED object entered! (when doing FFI)
| Good morning,
| I wrote a very small program, and it executed ok.
| I wanted to export a function in "C", and therefore wrote a "C"
| function over it to invoke peekCString and peekArray on the input;
| and newArray on the output.
| I then did a small "C" driver program. Everything compiled and linked
| correctly.
| But at execution the program prints :
| EVACUATED object entered!
| as soon as "startupHaskell" is invoked (i.e. even before I call my
| exported function !)
| What is the meaning of this message ?
| Thank you
| Francis Girard
| Le Conquet
| France
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