FFI : A failing example
Francis Girard
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 05:41:01 +0200
I'm a beginner trying to use FFI. I copied the example given in :
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler User's Guide, Version 5.04
Chapter 8. Foreign function interface (FFI)
module Foo where
foreign export ccall foo :: Int -> IO Int
foo :: Int -> IO Int
foo n = return (length (f n))
f :: Int -> [Int]
f 0 = []
f n = n:(f (n-1))
Copied it verbatim. And simply tried to compile it using "ghc -c Foo.hs -o
Foo.o" and always got the error :
Type signature given for an expression (at the line following the "foreign
I then tried to import the "Foreign" and "Foreign.C" modules but it didn't
change anything.
I am missing something and I would be VERY grateful to anyone that tells me
Thank you
Francis Girard
Le Conquet (France)