Matt Fairtlough
Matt Fairtlough <>
Fri, 31 May 2002 18:01:47 +0100 (BST)
Hmm. It might be related but I somehow doubt it. The buggy program is
module Bug2 where
data Bug2 = Bug2
instance Show Bug2 where
showsPrec _ Bug2 str = showChar '?' str
(stack overflow on Bug2> Bug2)
and the fix is
module Bug2 where
data Bug2 = Bug2
instance Show Bug2 where
showsPrec _ Bug2 str = showChar '?' str
-- an indentation problem. Quite why globally redefining showsPrec produces
a stack overflow when showing Bug2 values I'll have to leave to the experts.
Matt Fairtlough
Verification and Testing Group Room 115
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
Sheffield S1 4DP Tel: (0)114-22-21826
UK Fax: (0)114-22-21810