Existential Datatypes
Hal Daume III
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 12:28:31 -0700 (PDT)
I'll take a stab at this:
> data Foo2 = forall a. MkFoo2 { val2 :: a
> , func2 :: a -> Bool
> }
> But the compiler said:
> Can't combine named fields with locally-quantified type variables
> In the declaration of data constructor MkFoo2
> In the data type declaration for `Foo2'
This restriction is probably because having named fields doesn't make too
much sense. All named fields do is make functions, so:
| data Foo a = Foo { x :: a, y :: a -> Bool }
| data Foo a = Foo a (a -> Bool)
and two functions:
| x :: Foo a -> a
| y :: Foo a -> (a -> Bool)
But in the case of locally quantified type variables, this second part
doesn't make sense. We know that for the Foo example in the users guide,
we can't write a function:
| func (Foo _ f) = f
because this would allow 'a' to escape. The same holds here, which is why
(I would imagine) this isn't allowed.
> Then I tried:
> data Foo3 = MkFoo3 { val3 :: forall a. a
> , func3 :: forall a. (a -> Bool)
> }
> foo3 = MkFoo3 'g' isUpper
> And the compiler said:
> Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
> Quantified type variable `a' is unified with `Char'
> Signature type: forall a. a
> Type to generalise: Char
> When checking an expression type signature
> In the first argument of `MkFoo3', namely 'g'
> In the definition of `foo3': MkFoo3 'g' isUpper
This is because the 'a's in the defintion aren't necessarily the same, so
when you say:
MkFoo3 'g' isUpper
the type of "func3" is Char -> Bool, not a -> Bool, so it's disallowed.
Why this definition is allowed but Foo2 isn't I don't know -- someone else
should chime in there.