HGL with GHC in Win32
Alastair Reid
23 Jun 2002 03:05:50 +0100
> Shouldn't all those IORefs (e.g., for the list of windows) be
> MVars in the GHC version?
We did that for the X11 version - I guess the Win32 version has fallen
behind. What really needs done though is to introduce a single
semaphore to control all access to all parts of the HGL data
structures - atomically accessing each part of the data structures
doesn't necessarily protect all the system invariants.
> For a start, what about NoInline pragmas for global IORefs?
Yes, that should be done. (Hmmm, maybe we should push harder on a
portable language extension for defining global, mutable, monomorphic
> Unless there are any other suggestions, I could give the green card
> --safe-code a try. But why doesn't the green card input use
> %safecode to eliminate that potential error source?-)
Because I wrote the Win32 bindings for Hugs where %safecode and %code
mean the same thing. Really, GreenCard should be changed so that %code
is safe by default and you have to write %unsafecode to get the faster
version. (That's the way it is in the ffi.)
> And how would cross-ffi garbage-collection issues affect window
> parameters at startup?
Not sure what you mean - I can't think of any new issues in GC which
aren't present in Hugs.
> Anyway, is there a useable win32 green card input package hanging
> around somewhere (the link to glasgow is dead it seems; CVS has
> moved the gc-sources aside and has never been very modular - is
> there a way for me to take the win32/gc-src/ directory from CVS and
> make it, without having to prepare the various other parts of
> fptools that fptools-Makefiles tend to depend on so merrily?-(.
I'm attaching a crudely hacked up version of hugs.mk which generates
the necessary .hs files.
To invoke it:
cd hslibs/win32
rm *.hs *stub*
make -f hugs.mk GC="green-card --target=ghc" GCDIR=../../green-card GC_INCLUDES="--include-dir ../../green-card/lib/ghc" gen_hss -k
It will fail when building Win32Dialogue.hs hence the use of -k. I
looked at this just long enough to persuade myself that there was no
easy fix (apart from deleting gc-src/Win32Dialogue.gc) but that the
error was harmless (Win32.hs doesn't import Win32Dialogue).
I could have changed the file further to set the target and greencard
directories more quietly - but maybe you want to change the target
(ffi?) or use a different greencard so it seemed easier to specify
them on the command line.
I have not tried compiling the generated files - my windows machine
isn't used to being used for development and needs a bit of
sweet-talking before it's willing to contemplate the idea.
You'll need a different Makefile to compile the generated files - the
compilation stuff that's there at the moment is for use with
Hugs/GreenCard not GHC/FFI or GHC/GreenCard.
Alastair Reid
# Makefile for Win32 library
# This Makefile only works with GNUMake. If you feel like supplying
# us with a more portable Makefile, we'll be happy to distribute it
# as well.
# This goes first to make it the default
default : all
# All generated C files #include errors.h to get consistent error messages
$(DLLS) : errors.h
GUILIBS = kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib advapi32.lib
# Describe how your system is configured here
HUGSDIR = $(ROOT)/hugs
GCDIR = $(ROOT)/fptools/green-card
RUNHUGS = $(ROOT)/hugs/runhugs
CPP = gcc -P -E -x c -traditional
# GC = $(ROOT)/green-card.exe --target Hugs
GC = $(RUNHUGS) -F"$(CPP)" -h1m $(GCDIR)/src/GreenCard.lhs --target Hugs
GC_INCLUDES = --include-dir $(GCDIR)/lib/hugs
# Where to find GreenCard.h - in the Hugs source code
# Explicit dependencies
Win32Window.dll: WndProc.c
# Standard rules from here on
RAW_GCS = $(wildcard gc-src/*.gc)
GCS = $(notdir $(RAW_GCS))
DLLS = $(addsuffix .dll, $(basename $(GCS)))
GEN_HSS = $(addsuffix .hs, $(basename $(GCS)))
GEN_CFILES = $(addsuffix .c, $(basename $(GCS)))
gen_hss: $(GCS) $(GEN_HSS)
all: gen_hss $(DLLS)
.SUFFIXES : .pgc .gc .hs .dll .c
%.gc : gc-src/%.gc
$(CPP) $(GCPP_FLAGS) $< | perl -pe 's#\\n#\n#g' >$*.gc
%.hs %.c : %.gc
$(CPP) $(GCPP_FLAGS) $< | perl -pe 's#\\n#\n#g' >$*.gc
$(GC) $(GC_INCLUDES) -i . $*.gc
%.dll : %.c
cl /nologo /LD /MD $(INCLUDES) $(GUILIBS) $(GCPP_FLAGS) -DSTRICT -o $@ $*.c
%.obj : %.c
cl /nologo $(INCLUDES) $(GCPP_FLAGS) -DSTRICT -o $@ $*.c
# Cleanliness is next to dependencies
clean :
rm -f *.obj *.exp *.lib
rm -f *.hi
rm -f $(GEN_CFILES) $(GEN_HSS) $(DLLS)
# Dependencies
$(GCS) : $(PGCS)
depends.mk ::
perl mkGCDep *.gc >depends.mk
include depends.mk
# End of Makefile