Updating the net package

Simon Marlow simonmar@microsoft.com
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 11:46:55 +0100

> This is a one line change. I'm using 5.02.2. There weren't=20
> any versions of
> Socket.hsc tagged as 5.02.2 in the CVS repository but there=20
> was one tagged
> Revision 1.2 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Fri Aug 17
> 12:51:08 2001 UTC (9 months, 3 weeks ago) by simonmar
> Branch: MAIN
> CVS Tags: ghc-5-02-branch, ghc-5-02-3, ghc-5-02-1, ghc-5-02
> Changes since 1.1: +18 -12 lines
> Diff to previous 1.1
> Track updates to hslibs/net
> I downloaded this and tried to compile but it has the following in it:
> instance Show Socket where
>   ...
> and quite rightly the compiler complains. I'm going to take the latest
> version (although it would be nice to know which one was included in
> 5.02.2).

The contents of hslibs/net on the 5.02 branch are:

~/fptools-5.02-branch/hslibs/net > ls
BSD.hsc  CGI.lhs  doc/      Socket.lhs      URI.hs
cbits/   CVS/     Makefile  SocketPrim.hsc

So it's SocketPrim.hsc you want.  The tags on that file are:

~/fptools-5.02-branch/hslibs/net > cvs stat -v SocketPrim.hsc        =20
File: SocketPrim.hsc    Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:
   Repository revision:
   Sticky Tag:          ghc-5-02-branch (branch: 1.12.2)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      -kk

   Existing Tags:
        ghc-5-02-galois-branch          (branch:
        ghc-5-02-3                      (revision:
        ghc-ndp2-updated-from-trunk1    (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-ndp2-trunk-merge-frontier   (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-ndp-branch2                 (branch: 1.21.4)
        before-ghc-ndp2                 (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-ndp-branch-merge1           (revision: 1.16)
        ghc-newer-usagesp-aftermerge    (revision: 1.21)
        before-newer-usagesp-mergedto   (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-newer-usagesp-beforemerge   (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-newer-usagesp-branch        (branch: 1.21.2)
        before-newer-usagesp            (revision: 1.21)
        ghc-5-02-2                      (revision:
        hugs-Dec2001                    (revision: 1.20)
        ghc-ndp-branch                  (branch: 1.16.2)
        before-ghc-ndp                  (revision: 1.16)
        ghc-5-02-1                      (revision:
        ghc-5-02                        (revision:
        ghc-5-02-branch                 (branch: 1.12.2)
        new-libraries-last-merged       (revision: 1.11)
