Dynamic types: GHCI works, GHC doesn't?

Andre Pang ozone@algorithm.com.au
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 23:01:57 +1000

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Hi all,

I'm trying to get a grip on the Dynamic types stuff supplied with
GHC, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or whether
I've found a bug.

It seems that the fromDynamic and fromDyn functions seem to work
if you load your module into GHCI, but they don't work when you
compile it into a stand-alone executable with GHC.  Here's an
example of what the output is meant to be like:

    22:51(0) .../project/dynamic_types-bug% ghci -package lang DynamicTypesBug.hs
    [ GHCI header deleted ]
    Loading package std ... linking ... done.
    Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
    Compiling Main             ( DynamicTypesBug.hs, interpreted )
    Ok, modules loaded: Main.
    Main> main
    Static type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Coerced (dynamic) type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Does dynamic type == static type?  True
    Attempting to run fromDynamic on the dynamic type ...
    5. This be the footnote

So, that all works fine.  Compile it through GHC, however, and
this happens:

    22:57(0) .../project/dynamic_types-bug% ghc --make -package lang DynamicTypesBug.hs
    ghc-5.02.2: chasing modules from: DynamicTypesBug.hs
    Compiling Main             ( DynamicTypesBug.hs, ./DynamicTypesBug.o )
    ghc: linking ...
    22:57(0) .../project/dynamic_types-bug% ./a.out
    Static type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Coerced (dynamic) type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Does dynamic type == static type?  False
    Attempting to run fromDynamic on the dynamic type ...

    Fail: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

Furthermore, if you compile it with GHC, then run GHCI afterward,
GHCI will use the Main.o object file rather than try to compile
it again, and will fail:

    22:58(1) .../project/dynamic_types-bug% ghci -package lang DynamicTypesBug.hs
    [ GHCI header deleted ]
    Loading package std ... linking ... done.
    Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
    Skipping  Main             ( DynamicTypesBug.hs, ./DynamicTypesBug.o )
    Ok, modules loaded: Main.
    Main> main
    Static type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Coerced (dynamic) type: FootnoteData [Char] Int
    Does dynamic type == static type?  False
    Attempting to run fromDynamic on the dynamic type ...
    *** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

I've seen this behaviour with:

    * ghc-5.02.2 from the Debian ghc5 package
    * ghc-5.02.1 on another Linux machine (compiled from source)
    * ghc-5.03.20020204 snapshot on Windows (Sigbjorne's MSI package)

It's possible that I'm not using the Dynamic module functions
properly, since I don't think I understand them that well.  In
particular, I'm a bit confused as to how to construct a TypeRep
with the mkAppTy function.  See my code to see how I'm (mis)using
it :).

The code which exhibits this behaviour is attached to this
message (DynamicTypesBug.hs).  Hopefully I'm just doing something
silly ...

#ozone/algorithm <ozone@algorithm.com.au>          - trust.in.love.to.save

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DynamicTypesBug.hs"

module Main where

import Dynamic
import Maybe

data Phrase = Phrase PhraseStyle Dynamic

type PhraseStyle = String

instance Typeable FootnoteData where
   typeOf _ = mkAppTy (mkTyCon "FootnoteData") [typeOf ("Foo" :: String), typeOf (7 :: Int)]

data FootnoteData = FootnoteData String Int

writeFootnote :: Phrase -> String
writeFootnote (Phrase _ dynData) = (show footnoteNumber) ++ ". " ++ footnoteString
      (footnoteString, footnoteNumber) =
	 case footnoteData of
	    (FootnoteData s f) -> (s, f)
      footnoteData = fromJust (fromDynamic dynData)

myFootnoteData = FootnoteData "This be the footnote" 5

dynaFootnoteData = toDyn myFootnoteData

myPhrase = Phrase "Footnote" dynaFootnoteData

main = do
	  putStrLn $ "Static type: " ++
	             show (typeOf myFootnoteData)
          let coercedFootnoteData = fromJust (fromDynamic dynaFootnoteData) :: FootnoteData
          putStrLn $ "Coerced (dynamic) type: " ++
	             show (typeOf coercedFootnoteData)
	  putStrLn $ "Does dynamic type == static type?  " ++
	             show (typeOf coercedFootnoteData == typeOf myFootnoteData)
	  putStrLn   "Attempting to run fromDynamic on the dynamic type ..."
          putStrLn $ writeFootnote myPhrase
