State Transformer
Albert Lai
11 Jan 2002 16:40:57 -0500
> > testfunc = do
> > r <- newSTRef ('x',0)
> > foo r
> > bar r
> > (c,n) <- readSTRef r
> > return n
Jorge Adriano <> writes:
> Yeap, I could do it like this myself :)
> The whole problem is with passing the 'r' as a parameter, which is precisly
> what I'm trying to avoid.
I agree with you. My work-around is then to define foo and bar locally
to testfunc, in the scope of r:
testfunc = do
r <- newSTRef ('x',0)
let foo = do
(c,n) <- readSTRef r
writeSTRef r ('a', n+1)
bar = do
(c,n) <- readSTRef r
writeSTRef r (c,n+2)
(c,n) <- readSTRef r
return n
But if this looks like unsatisfactory (it does to me, too), perhaps
you have to go back to DIY monads.
DIY monads are good when: you fix the state variables, you don't want
to mention them in subprogram parameters.
The ST monad is good when: you create more state variables on the fly,
you use mutable arrays, you don't want to write your own monad and
put/get commands.