GPH: RE: Setting up ghc for GPH and GranSim
Phil Trinder
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 14:56:19 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
Simon's quite right, the GranSim simulator for Glasgow parallel Haskell (GpH)
is only available with certain GHC versions, and it's most readily available
for version 0.29. Information about the platforms supported, together with GHC
source and binary downloads, is available from the GHC website:
under 'Download', 'Older releases', '0.29'.
The easiest way to get GranSim is to download an appropriate binary
distribution, but be aware that GHC version 0.29 supports Haskell 1.2 which
has most familiar Haskell constructs, but lacks a few: most significantly
Monadic IO. At present people issues mean that we don't plan a newer release
of GranSim.
Although GranSim is a little old, shiny new GpH programs (i.e. Haskell 1.4) can
be run on parallel (or sequential) platforms using GHC 4.06, as documented at
On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 03:00:07 -0800 Simon Peyton-Jones <>
> You can't use any old GHC for GpH, I'm afraid. (GpH modifies GHC
> internally.) Best thing to do is to go to the GpH website and get your
> GHC from there.
> There's a GpH mailing list, which I'm ccing. Perhaps they are planning
> a new release?
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: []
> | Sent: 21 December 2001 17:52
> | To:
> | Subject: Setting up ghc for GPH and GranSim
> |
> |
> | Hi all,
> |
> | I'm new to both this list and Haskell, so apologies if these
> | questions have been answered before or seem obvious. I've
> | trawled the website and my suspicion is that I'm using a 'too
> | new' version of the compiler that doesn't support GranSim. Anyway:
> |
> | I'm trying to set up a ghc. I want to compile GPH programs
> | and run them on GranSim.
> |
> | With my current setup (details at the bottom of the mail) I
> | get the following error when I try to compile a GPH program:
> | [mjb67@mjb67 mjb67]$ ghc -gransim -fvia-c -fglasgow-exts
> | --make parfib.hs
> | ghc-5.02.1: can't find module `Prelude'
> |
> | Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong? The
> | error is reported even when the program is normal Haskell,
> | whenever I use the -gransim or -parallel options to the
> | compiler. I presume this is some sort of library issue?
> |
> | My compiler was set up in the following way:
> |
> | I installed the binary RPMs:
> |
> rpm
> I downloaded the source RPM from:
> I unpacked the source.
> I then typed (in the source root directory)
> ./configure --enable-gransim
> make
> make install
> Thanks in advance,
> Matthew
> _______________________________________________
> Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Phil Trinder
Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering
Heriot Watt University
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
Teleph: +44 (0)131 451 3435
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