SGI-Port // Mnagler-Gcc Interface...
Rafael Martínez Torres
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:44:56 +0000
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> The other way to do the port is to bootstrap from HC files; i.e.,
> forget that any ghc build exists on your architecture, and start from
> scratch. The method is discussed briefly at
> but basically involves using pre-built, non-gcc-specific C files that
> don't need mangling to build the first stage GHC compiler.
Well, I may be wrong, but I think booting .hc files doesn't avoid
mangling step ...
.hs ->| hsc |-> .hc -> |cc| -> .s -> |mangling| -> .s' -> |assembler|
-> .o -> | linker | -> a.out
am I right ?
I tried booting from .hc files in linux, sun, and now irix...
Look at the table:
platform sparc-sunos sparc-sunos i386-linux i386-linuxmips-sgi-irix mips-sgi-irix
gcc-version 2.95.1 2.95.1 2.95.1
ghc-3.02-booting-hcOK NOK OK NOK OK ¿OK?
We should distinguish conceptually the next "model":
- compiler properly said (hsc) : .hs -> .hc ( writen in Haskell (.hs)
!! , so I need to mangle !)
- the run-time suport (-l<something>.a , It's almost written in C,
something in Haskell .)
- the mangler (ghc-asm.prl) .s -> .s' (mangles prelude functions,
destroying C -stack model )
- the linker ( -lruntimea, .o -> a.out)
- the driver (ghc.prl) . The master overall guide process...
The key point I must concentrate is the gcc-mangler interface...That
would explain the previous table.
Booting .hc doesn't avoid I understand the process.( I may
be wrong )
The older mangler (ghc-3.02) seems to be dessigned closely to the gcc output... ( The ghc-4.08 runs on gcc-2.95.1 )
That's why I'm trying to find which one was used to build and run
ghc-2.10-mips-sgi-irix6.tar.gz .
Any other e-mail or reference to consult MIPS-port would be
Sorry if my previous mail was large and a bit dark...
> From
> there, you have a Haskell compiler that can be used to compile the
> real GHC natively, and you can work on the mangler etc as necessary.
> No doubt one of the GHC Team will give more details.
> In general, the GHC Team is very happy to help with this kind of
> thing, because they want GHC to be available on as many platforms as
> possible.
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<br>> The other way to do the port is to bootstrap from HC files; i.e.,
<br>> forget that any ghc build exists on your architecture, and start
<br>> scratch. The method is discussed briefly at
<br>> <A HREF=""></A>
<br>> but basically involves using pre-built, non-gcc-specific C files
<br>> don't need mangling to build the first stage GHC compiler.
<p>Well, I may be wrong, but I think booting .hc files doesn't avoid mangling
step ...
<p>.hs ->| hsc |-> .hc -> |cc| -> .s -> |mangling| -> .s' -> |assembler|
-> .o -> | linker | -> a.out
<p>am I right ?
<p>I tried booting from .hc files in linux, sun, and now irix...
<p>Look at the table:
<table BORDER COLS=7 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td> sparc-sunos </td>
<td>i386-linux </td>
<p>We should distinguish conceptually the next "model":
<br>- compiler properly said (hsc) : .hs -> .hc ( writen in
Haskell (.hs) !! , so I need to mangle !)
<br>- the run-time suport (-l<something>.a , It's almost written in
C, something in Haskell .)
<br>- the mangler (ghc-asm.prl) .s -> .s' (mangles prelude functions,
destroying C -stack model )
<br>- the linker ( -lruntimea, .o -> a.out)
<br>- the driver (ghc.prl) . The master overall guide process...
<p>The key point I must concentrate is the gcc-mangler interface...That
would explain the previous table.
<br>Booting .hc doesn't avoid I understand the process.( I may
be wrong )
<p>The older mangler (ghc-3.02) seems to be dessigned closely to the gcc output... ( The ghc-4.08 runs on gcc-2.95.1 )
<br>That's why I'm trying to find which one was used to build and run ghc-2.10-mips-sgi-irix6.tar.gz
<p>Any other e-mail or reference to consult MIPS-port would be acknowledged...
<p>Sorry if my previous mail was large and a bit dark...
<p>> From
<br>> there, you have a Haskell compiler that can be used to compile the
<br>> real GHC natively, and you can work on the mangler etc as necessary.
<br>> No doubt one of the GHC Team will give more details.
<br>> In general, the GHC Team is very happy to help with this kind of
<br>> thing, because they want GHC to be available on as many platforms
<br>> possible.
<br> </html>