The size of things
Ketil Z. Malde
18 Feb 2002 08:51:22 +0100
"Simon Marlow" <> writes:
>> data STuple = STuple !Int Foo
>> is slightly less efficient than using a normal tuple
>> (Int,Foo)
> Just checking... with -funbox-strict-fields, right?
> It's possible that the boxed Int is being reconstructed for some
> reason. You'll be able to see the difference more accurately using
> heap profiling.
Yeah, I guess I'll have to try to find an RPM where profiling works
properly. (Time to upgrade to 5.02.2 anyway, isn't it.)
I guess I'll try to rewrite the whole thing using monadic arrays that
update in place. But my nice algorithm is getting more and more
cluttered ... sigh.
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants