The size of things
Ketil Z. Malde
15 Feb 2002 13:28:17 +0100
"Simon Marlow" <> writes:
>> Yes, I see. Would it be possible to have a standard strict list,
> Yes, it would be possible, but we can't do it without making
> sweeping changes to standard libraries and deviating from Haskell 98
> quite a bit. It's something to bear in mind should the topic of
> Haskell 2 come up, though.
Yes, I realise that.
Perhaps it'd be possible to (for one particular module) override the
default [] and (:) to use a strict-element list. I.e.
import Prelude hiding...
import StrictLists
(The intention is to make *all* lists in that module strict)
Anyway, I tried to rewrite my program to use custom-defined lists
instead of []-type lists. Unfortunately, I ended up consuming vastly
more space, and additionally needing a huge stack. And everything was
a lot slower. I've probably messed up something, somewhere. Sigh.
Thanks for all your help, though!
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants