Boxing parameterized datatypes?
Scott Williams
Wed, 06 Feb 2002 02:51:25 -0800
This one may be fairly basic, but I was wondering if there's a common
idiom for boxing a parameterized datatype into a non-parameterized
one, and accessing the components in a unified manner. (hope I said
that right, pretend I mentioned polymorphism somewhere)
> module VarExample where
For example if I create a datatype to hold everything about a variable
> data Base t =
> Base { value :: t
> , name :: String
> -- , ... more components
> }
that I want to use as part of a larger data structure, say a
heterogeneous list or an AST, I think I have to collect all of the
variations under a parameterless datatype declaration. Is this true?
> data Var =
> IntegerT (Base Integer)
> | DoubleT (Base Double)
> -- | ... more constructors
> type HeterogeneousList = [Var]
If so, it looks like I then need to write something like the following
in order to access the name of a given Var, and likewise for other
> getName :: Var -> String
> getName (IntegerT b) = name b
> getName ( DoubleT b) = name b
Doesn't seem bad, but if I have more components and type constructors
it can become unwieldy.
The following give compile-time errors, but represent what I've tried
so far to simplify things.
> getBase :: Var -> Base t
> getBase (IntegerT b) = b
> getBase ( DoubleT b) = b
> getName2 v = name (getBase v)
> callBaseFn :: Var -> (Base t -> a) -> a
> callBaseFn (IntegerT b) fn = fn b
> callBaseFn ( DoubleT b) fn = fn b
> getName3 v = callBaseFn v name
The other option I've thought about is to use the GHC Dynamic module,
but it doesn't seem very standard for what there is likely a common
idiom. As you can see I'm still somewhat new at this, but would
appreciate any help.
- Thanks,
Scott Williams