Generating unique labels ...
John Meacham
Sat, 7 Dec 2002 17:20:18 -0800
AFAIK Strafunsky lets you thread an arbitrary monad through your
traversal of a datatype, thread the IO monad and use 'Data.Unique' which
provides 'newUnique' that spits out a unique integer.
On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 04:43:57PM -0800, Reto Kramer wrote:
> I'm trying to create a function (using ghc 5.04.2) that returns a
> unique string label each time it's called (unique w.r.t. the program
> run). Using the system timer doesn't cut it (too coarse and hence not
> unique).
> The challenge is that I'm using Strafunsky to traverse a syntax tree
> and rewrite expression nodes, so I cannot "thread" a counter all
> through this existing library, but need some "side-effecting" store
> that I can update.
> Any suggestions to such a basic question?
> - Reto
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John Meacham - California Institute of Technology, Alum. -