Native Threads in the RTS
Wolfgang Thaller
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 23:24:21 +0100
I've postponed writing up a new proposal again...
But I'm going to sum up some requirements that I would like to see
fulfilled - to make it clearer to others why I'm proposing such strange
*) It should be possible for Haskell code to arrange that a sequence of
calls to a given library are performed by the same native thread and
that if an external library calls into Haskell, then any outgoing calls
from Haskell are performed by the same native thread.
*) The specification should be implementable in a way that allows a lot
of foreign calls to be made with no additional overhead with respect to
GHC's current "unsafe" foreign calls.
*) The good performance of the existing lightweight "green" threads in
GHC should not be sacrificed. Performance should still OK when using
the new features with only a few threads (i.e. not more than commonly
used from multithreaded C programs).
*) The specification shouldn't explicitly require lightweight "green"
threads to exist. The specification should be implementable in a simple
and obvious way in haskell systems that always use a 1:1 correspondence
between Haskell threads and OS threads.
*) The specification shouldn't specify which particular OS thread
should be used to execute Haskell code. It should be possible to
implement it with e.g. a Haskell interpreter running in one OS thread
that just uses other OS threads for foreign calls.
*) There should be no unexpected blocking. Especially, threadsafe calls
should never cause other threads to block.
I'm currently stuck thinking about one particular problem that I
discovered in my current version of the spec. What happens when an
unbound Haskell thread calls a threadsafe foreign function which in
turn calls a bound foreign exported function? Well, I think my current
proposal says relatively clearly what's supposed to happen, but I
discovered it's not as easy to fit that in the current implementation
of GHC as I thought... in fact it might be quite difficult. I'll have
to do more thinking before I can be sure, though.
That's it for today,