(not) catching ^C in ghc-built application

Simon Marlow simonmar@microsoft.com
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:13:05 +0100

> > For a quick workaround, if you install your own handler=20
> *after* calling
> > startupHaskell(), you should be able to override GHC's.
> The thing is, that's what I'm already doing.  At least, Haskell is
> in charge of the execution, and does quite a lot of things before
> calling out to an I/O action written in C, which then sets=20
> the handler.
> My best guess is that the use of signal() is incompatible with the
> POSIX sigaction() used by the RTS.

That's possible I guess.  Could you try using sigaction() instead?
