Fundep/Existential Types in 5.03
Simon Peyton-Jones
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 04:14:49 -0700
I don't know how to make existentials "know" about functional
dependencies. In the type system that GHC implements, your
example fails, and I don't see any meaningful way to make it
succeed. But maybe someone else does.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Ashley Yakeley []=20
| Sent: 08 April 2002 10:30
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones; GHC List
| Cc: Mark Shields
| Subject: RE: Fundep/Existential Types in 5.03
| At 2002-04-08 02:15, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| >Just leave out the existential in your defn of D!
| >The (C a b) in the defn of f will do the job.
| I have another example, but this fails in 5.02.2:
| class C a b | a -> b
| data D a =3D forall b. (C a b) =3D> MkD b
| f :: (C a b) =3D> D a -> b
| f (MkD b) =3D b
| Should this compile? It looks meaningful to me.
| --=20
| Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA