extra_ghc_opts syntax

Simon Marlow simonmar@microsoft.com
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 15:18:20 +0100

> Dear  ghc-5.02-linux-i386-unknown,
> You understand        extra_ghc_opts =3D ["-v","-O"]
> when using a package,
> but not               extra_ghc_opts =3D ["-v -O"]
> And I intended to set in Makefile
>   ...
>   ex =3D -ddump-hi-diffs -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances=20
>        -fallow-undecidable-instances -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns=20
>        -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports
>        ...
>   pk =3D Package {...
>                 extra_ghc_opts =3D ["\"$(ex)\""],
>                 ...
>                }
>   ... echo $(pk) | ghc-pkg -a=20
> What may be a reasonable way out?

Just write the list twice, once with the quotes and commas and once
without?  Alternative I guess you could try to transform one into the
other using sed, perl, python, etc. but I would just do it the easy way.
