unsafePtrCompare, anybody?
Leon Smith
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 15:11:02 -0400
I'm writing an atom table for a compiler/interpreter, and it would be really
nice to use unsafePtrLT to implement tree-based finite maps.
For clarification, my atom table consists of these three functions:
mkAtom :: String -> IO Atom
show :: Atom -> String
(==) :: Atom -> Atom -> Bool
such that
mkAtom s >>= (return . show) == return s
mkAtom . show == return
atom == atom' <=> show atom == show atom'
mkAtom looks up each string in a table stored in an global variable, and
returns the atom stored in the table if it is there. Otherwise, it makes the
string into an atom, inserts the atom into the table, and returns this new
The point of all of this is that now string equality, when strings are made
into atoms, is just pointer equality, which is available as
However, in this situation, pointer comparison is simply an arbitrary total
order on the set of all atoms, which is all we need to implement finite maps
based on search trees. And of course, pointer comparisons are a much cheaper
operation that actual string comparison.
Of course, the misuses of unsafePtrEq aren't nearly as heinous as those of
unsafePtrCompare. On the other hand, it might be next to impossible to
effectively use unsafePtrCompare in cases that it isn't completely safe to
use, whereas there are plently of situations where unsafePtrEq is semi-safe
to use.