problem definind a function
Juan Ignacio García García
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:03:13 +0100
Does anybody know why it is not possible to define the folowing function
in ghc?
gggg= \x y -> (x+y - length [1..(gcd x y)] >= round ((x+1)/2)) )
The message obtained was this one:
No instance for (RealFrac Int)
arising from use of `round' at num-s-divs.hs:253
In the second argument of `(>=)', namely `round ((x + 1) / 2)'
In a lambda abstraction:
(((x + y) - (length [1 .. (gcd x y)])) >= (round ((x + 1) / 2)))
Thanks in advance,
J. I. García