First class modules (was Existential Typing)
Leon Smith
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:27:41 -0400
On Wednesday 24 October 2001 12:32, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> The elimination of "stupid" existential wrapper constructors
> is discussed in a bit more detail in the paper Mark and I wrote
> recently:
> First class modules for Haskell
I really like the thrust of the argument. I definitely agree with the
direction of the paper.
Your paper mentioned the binder rule, which requires an explict type for
modules that appear as arguments of functions. I understand the need for
this rule, and it is itself a reasonable restriction. The problem is that
in combination with a lack of subtyping between records, this implies that
one must specify every field that can and must appear in a module. I'm
trying to decide if this is a reasonable restriction. From my experiences
with other systems such as Modula-3, my instincts say no.
Say you are implementing modules for Ints and Floats. My old habits would
lead to the following signatures:
record Int a =
(+), (*) :: a -> a -> a
div, mod :: a -> a -> a
record Float a =
(+),(*):: a -> a -> a
(/) :: a -> a -> a
sin, cos :: a -> a
Then, by my understanding, one could not write a function that mentions only
(+) and (*) that is polymorphic in these modules. You couldn't pass it both
Int a and Float a, because the signatures are different, which seems to be an
artificial restriction. I think extending the system with some form of
subtyping between records would be important for a usable system. Your
paper suggested that you are planning to do this. Any thoughts on current
ideas in this direction?
On the other hand, one could split each module up into several different
pieces, such as "Ring a", and "Trig a". This might be very reasonable, but
it strikes me as being a little too fine-grained.