scope in ghci

Fri, 05 Oct 2001 16:53:58 +0400

To my 

>> [..]
>>                Dm1> sort $ dm1 [1%2,1%3]    -- contrived example
>> is impossible.
>> Instead, it needs        
>>             Dm1> List.sort Prelude.$ dm1 [1 Ratio.% 2, 1 Ratio.% 3]

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <> writes

> This happens when the module Dm1 is compiled. It's because a compiled
> module doesn't provide the information which names were in scope in
> its source.
> [..]

In this particular experiment  Dm1 ... Dm9  were *interpreted* 
and the rest  D  project was compiled and loaded as object code 
from library via package.
But the case of compiled  Dm1  is sufficient too to present certain
small question.

Serge Mechveliani