scope in ghci
Fri, 05 Oct 2001 15:14:15 +0400
Dear GHC,
Consider the following question concerning scopes in
ghc -interpreted.
A large application called D consists of 70 modules,
it reexports all its public items via module DExport.
It has also demonstration examples Dm1.hs ... Dm9.hs.
Each example imports 4-5 modules from D
and lists precisely the imported items, like this:
import List (sort)
import Foo1 (f, g, Dt(..))
There also exists the total Dm.hs which reexports
Dm1 ... Dm9 and adds the total `test' function.
All this compiles successfully (Dm* may skip compilation).
Then, ghci -package D Dm1
Dm1> sort $ dm1 [1%2,1%3] -- contrived example
is impossible.
Instead, it needs
Dm1> List.sort Prelude.$ dm1 [1 Ratio.% 2, 1 Ratio.% 3]
Also the user is expected to command :m DExport
and work with other modules than Dm*.
I try to improve this as follows. Add
(...module Prelude, module List, module Ratio, module Random...)
import Prelude; import List; import Ratio; import Random;
to DExport.hs
and replace the import part in Dm1.hs ... Dm9.hs
import DExport
Formally, everything works. But I doubt.
DExport imports and exports so many things that it looks natural
to add all the standard Haskell library to it.
But the imports of Dm1.hs ... Dm9.hs are different.
I wonder, what is the difference between
M.hs: ...import Foo (f,g)
and N.hs: ...import DExport
First, suppose M.hs contains name clashes with DExport
and wants to avoid qualified names.
Second, when compiling M.hs the name search is smaller
(would it compile any essentially faster?).
Third, how GHC will react at :load Dm
By occasion, would not it load 9 copies of DExport ?
Shortly: is this all right to set import DExport
to all the above Dm* ?
Thanks to everyone for possible advice.
Serge Mechveliani