Socket library ghc 5.02.1
Sven Eric Panitz
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 10:59:22 +0100
It seems that the Socket library does still not work
with ghc 5.02.1.
I tried the simple test:
> main =
> do
> d <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 80)
> hPutStr d "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"
> hFlush d
> c <- hGetContents d
> putStr c
On Windows2000 I get the known error:
*** Exception: does not exist
Action: getProtocolByName
Reason: no such protocol entry
whereas on Linux I get the following error:
*** Exception: failed
Action: connect
Reason: Unknown error 142731264
The error number changes for every invocation and every 20th time
or so it works on the linux machine.
Can anyone recommend me, how to get a working Socket library
with ghc 5.02. (I really need it now...)
Sven Eric