
Max A . K . max630@mail.ru
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:07:45 +0600

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Content-Disposition: inline

On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:04:47PM +1100, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> AFAIK no OS implements all of the Single Unix specification.
> Nevertheless, I think, Sigbjorn is right.  Ideally, we
> should have a binding for Single Unix and on any particular
> OS, you will have a subset of it available (that's the same
> situation as you have with any other programming language).
> As is pointed out in the open(2) man page, O_SYNC, O_DSYNC,
> and O_RSYNC are synonymous in Linux 2.2.  In 2.4, at least
> with some file systems (eg, XFS) you can choose which
> behaviour O_SYNC should have.

I understand. So, can the attached file be a "Single Unix
compatible" 'open' function binding?

The only difference I see is the *SYNC flags. Did I miss


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sync.diff"

--- hslibs/posix/PosixFiles.lhs.orig	Tue Nov 20 07:55:00 2001
+++ hslibs/posix/PosixFiles.lhs	Tue Nov 20 07:52:57 2001
@@ -253,7 +253,10 @@
     exclusive :: Bool,
     noctty    :: Bool,
     nonBlock  :: Bool,
-    trunc     :: Bool
+    trunc     :: Bool,
+    sync      :: Bool,
+    dSync      :: Bool,
+    rSync      :: Bool
 defaultFileFlags :: OpenFileFlags
@@ -263,7 +266,10 @@
     exclusive = False,
     noctty    = False,
     nonBlock  = False,
-    trunc     = False
+    trunc     = False,
+    sync      = False,
+    dSync      = False,
+    rSync      = False
 openFd :: FilePath
@@ -271,7 +277,7 @@
        -> Maybe FileMode -- Just x => O_CREAT, Nothing => must exist
        -> OpenFileFlags
        -> IO Fd
-openFd name how maybe_mode (OpenFileFlags append exclusive noctty nonBlock truncate) = do
+openFd name how maybe_mode (OpenFileFlags append exclusive noctty nonBlock truncate sync dSync rSync) = do
     fd <- _ccall_ open (packString name) flags mode_w
     if fdToInt fd /= ((-1)::Int)
        then return fd
@@ -287,7 +293,10 @@
        (if exclusive then ``O_EXCL''     else zero) `or`
        (if noctty    then ``O_NOCTTY''   else zero) `or`
        (if nonBlock  then ``O_NONBLOCK'' else zero) `or`
-       (if truncate  then ``O_TRUNC''    else zero)
+       (if truncate  then ``O_TRUNC''    else zero) `or`
+       (if sync	     then ``O_SYNC''	 else zero) `or`
+       (if dSync     then ``O_DSYNC''	 else zero) `or`
+       (if rSync     then ``O_RSYNC''	 else zero)
     zero = W# (int2Word# 0#)
--- hslibs/posix/cbits/HsPosix.h.orig	Tue Nov 20 07:40:04 2001
+++ hslibs/posix/cbits/HsPosix.h	Tue Nov 20 07:48:39 2001
@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@
 #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
 #include <fcntl.h>
+ #ifndef O_SYNC
+ #define O_SYNC 0
+ #endif
+ #ifndef O_DSYNC
+ #define O_DSYNC O_SYNC
+ #endif
+ #ifndef O_RSYNC
+ #define O_RSYNC 0
+ #endif
 #endif /* HAVE_FCNTL_H */
