How do I force evaluation?
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 18:30:13 +0200
I want to do something like:
| main = do
| monstrousDataStructure <- monstrousComputation
| hPutStr stderr "success!"
| ...
The important point is that I want to make sure that the computation
has terminated and not failed before I go to `...'. I have tried
| x <- x `seq` x
| x <- id $! x
which should be equivalent anyway, but they both did not have any
effect. Then, I remember that there was something called strict, but
I can't find it any more. I am afraid I am missing something basic
here. If you can't help me, I will come back with a more precise
example, I just haven't found one so far (only the original code, but
you don't want to read 1843 LOC on this list, do you?... :)
thanks a lot,
Matthias Fischmann | Research Engineer | +358 (9) 8565 7474 | SSH Communication Security Corp | +358 (40) 752 5291