Bagley shootout. Was: Lightningspeed haskell
John Atwood
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:11:46 -0800 (PST)
I notice that the reverse file program, while concise, is quite slow.
The program in its entirety is:
main = interact $ unlines . reverse . lines
Any thoughts on why its time is 5.68 seconds, vs 3.56 for tcl, 2 for
perl, 0.19 for gcc, 0.18 for ocaml; and how it might be sped up? Is the
lack of speed all in the stdio I/O?
Is there a way to tell which benchmarks have no haskell entry?
John Atwood
Josef Svenningsson wrote:
> Hi all.
> Some days ago someone posted this url:
> which is a page benchmarking a number of different languages and
> compilers where ghc is one of them. Some benchmarks lacked a haskell
> versions (and some still do) and so I decided to fill in some of the gaps.
> One benchmark turned out to give pretty remarkable results. It's the
> producer/consumer benchmark. I suggest you all take a look at it. The
> haskell version is six (SIX!!!) times faster than the c version. Hey,
> what's going on here? I would really like to hear some comments from our
> dear implementors.
> It should be noted that synchronisation is achieved by using
> slightly different kinds of primitives. But still... six times...
> I lift my hat of for the ghc-implementors.
> /Josef
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