Sockets on Windows
Steinitz, Dominic J
23 Feb 2001 11:09:34 Z
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I am was trying out sockets. These worked fine under linux. Under windows I=
get the following error. Does anyone know what it means and how I can fix =
it? I can telnet from within the cygwin window so I assume tcp/ip is runnin=
Thanks, Dominic.
administrator@DEFAULT /cygdrive/d/dom/home/socketTest
$ ./server1 8000
Fail: does not exist
Action: getProtocolByName
Reason: no such protocol entry
21st century air travel
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-- Simple Server
-- Chris Reade, Nov 2000
-- Based on example by Hermann Oliveira Rodrigues
module Main (main) where
import System
import IO
import Time
import Socket
main :: IO ()
main = do prog <- getProgName
args <- getArgs
if (length args /= 1)
then do putStrLn ("Use: " ++ prog ++ " <port>")
exitWith (ExitFailure (-1))
else return ()
let port = read (args !! 0) :: Int in
server (PortNumber (mkPortNumber port))
-- The server function creates a socket to listen on the port and
-- loops to service requests continuously
server :: PortID -> IO ()
server port = do socket <- listenOn port
-- Fique em `loop' atendendo requisicoes.
let loop = do (sh, host, portid) <- accept socket
procRequest sh
loop in
-- The procRequest function deals with an individual request
procRequest :: Handle -> IO ()
procRequest hd = do clock <- getClockTime
calendar <- toCalendarTime clock
hPutStrLn hd (calendarTimeToString calendar)
hFlush hd
hClose hd