memory distribution in ghci
Simon Marlow
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:00:16 +0100
> It looks, there remains a questions on memory distribution in=20
> ghc-5.00 -interpreted :
> can ghci provide a command measuring the part of heap taken
> by interpreted programs,=20
> by interfaces?
> (or, at least, their sum)
Ah, I see now. You'd like to know how much memory your program is
using, compared to GHCi itself? Hmm. Unfortunately I can't see a good
way to do this I'm afraid. However, you can always compile the program
and use profiling...
> For, with -O and much in-lining, the interfaces may be very large.=20
You really don't want to use -O with GHCi (in fact, at the moment you