Why does --make only allow one module?

George Russell ger@tzi.de
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 11:57:07 +0200

ghc --make would be wonderful for UniForM, which at the moment consists of
a large selection of libraries, were it not for the restriction that
ghc --make insists on only having one module as an argument.  Er why?
At this rate I shall be driven to writing an otherwise useless module
which imports all the modules in each directory, since ghc --make does
indeed look a lot faster than compiling each module individually.
(In particular, we win big here, I think because the NFS system is
very inefficient and makes reading all the .hi files very expensive.)

Actually I'd like to just give ghc --make a list of ALL the source files
and let it figure out the dependencies.  This could also include
object files (compiled from C) which were to be linked in, for example.