Simon Marlow
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 04:13:58 -0700
> I don't really understand getContents. (Does anyone?) I
> have some code here
> (far too large to submit). If I do (on Linux, ghc4.08.1,
> both with and without optimisation)
> ------------------
> contents <- hGetContents handle
> seq (last contents) (hClose handle)
> ------------------
> the code works. However I looked at the manual and it seems
> that hClose should
> force the whole of contents to be read anyway. So I changed it to
> ------------------
> contents <- hGetContents handle
> hClose handle
> ------------------
> and then the code doesn't work. If these are meant to be the
> same, then we have a GHC
> bug. If not, could someone explain in words of one syllable why not?
> PS - if you want the source code you'll have to download and
> compile the whole of UniForM!!
Using hClose on a semi-closed handle is a Bad Thing. The Haskell Report
"Once a semi-closed handle becomes closed, the contents of
the associated stream becomes fixed, and is the list of those
items which were succesfully read from that handle".
So I take this to mean that when you hClose a semi-closed handle, you get a
random amount of data in the handle which depends on how good your
compiler's strictness analyser is. yesno?