[GHC] #16163: Don’t throw an error (by default) for use of DEPRECATED symbols under -Werror
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Jan 9 18:49:52 UTC 2019
#16163: Don’t throw an error (by default) for use of DEPRECATED symbols under
Reporter: m-renaud | Owner: (none)
Type: feature | Status: new
request |
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.6.3
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: | Type of failure: None/Unknown
Unknown/Multiple |
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s): | Wiki Page:
= Summary
== Overview
Don’t throw an error by default under `-Werror` when a `DEPRECATED`
module, function, or type is imported or used. Use or import of a module,
function, or type marked with the `WARNING` pragma will still be promoted
to an error under `-Werror`.
== The Idea
Some “warnings” are more what you would consider “information” not and
should not be considered “errors” under `-Werror` (unless explicitly
== Motivation
Consider you’re the maintainer of a widely used library and you wish to
remove some function in some later release. There is currently no way of
communicating to users of your library that you plan to remove this symbol
in some later major release. The natural way to express this would be to
add a `DEPRECATED` pragma to the function in the next minor release, leave
it there for some time horizon, and then in a following major release
remove the symbol. This currently is not practical because a very large
number of projects that use your library compile with `-Werror` which will
then cause builds to fail //simply because you tried to alert your users
of future plans//. I posit that this is broken, the crux of this is that a
`DEPRECATED` //should// be considered as //info// and not a true
As it stands today, **two major releases** are required to safely
deprecate (and remove) part of a public API due to the wide usage of
`-Werror` which causes build failures when a new DEPRECATED pragma is
added. The first major release adds the DEPRECATED pragma and the second
removed the symbol or module. This discourages deprecating old APIs,
introduces unnecessary version churn, and makes it more difficult to
communicate to consumers of a library that an upcoming release will remove
a feature.
As a specific example, when attempting to align the public APIs of
`containers` and `unordered-containers` (renaming `HashMap.lookupDefault`
to `HashMap.findWithDefault` to match the API of `containers`) the largest
issue was how to actually deprecate the old function. The `unordered-
containers` API is relatively stable and it wouldn’t warrant a new major
version just to mark a function as `DEPRECATED`. You can see the
discussion here (http://haskell.1045720.n5.nabble.com/Proposal-Rename-
= Changes
== Flag Changes
`-Wdeprecations` - warn if a module, function, or type marked `DEPRECATED`
or `WARNING` is imported or used.
`-Wwarnings-deprecations` - warn if a module, function, or type marked
`DEPRECATED` or `WARNING` is imported or used. (The name of this flag is
unfortunate, imho it should be named `-Wwarnings`)
`-Werror` - promote warnings to errors, including both `-Wdeprecations`
and `-Wwarnings`. In other words, if a `DEPRECATED` or `WARNING` module,
function, or type is imported or used.
Note that //currently// there is **no distinction** between things marked
as `WARNING` and things marked as `DEPRECATED` at the flag level, this is
`-Wdeprecations` - warn if a module, function, or type marked `DEPRECATED`
is imported or used.
`-Wwarnings-deprecations` (or rename to `-Wwarnings`) - warn if a
function, module, or type marked `WARNING` is imported or used.
`-Werror` - promote warnings to errors, including `-Wwarnings-
deprecations` (`WARNING`), **but not** `-Wdeprecations` (`DEPRECATED`).
(optional) `-Wwarnings` - warn if a function, module, or type marked
`WARNING` is imported or used. This is a clearer flag name than
== Precedent for excluding warnings from being promoted to errors
The idea that some things considered “warnings” are not actually “errors”
already exists, specifically the flag `-Wmissed-specialisations`
warnings.html#ghc-flag--Wmissed-specialisations) is already excluded from
the set of warnings that are not considered as errors.
== How do I get the old behaviour back? aka. treat DEPRECATED as an error
If you’re using a library and you’d like to be extra up to date and cause
your build to fail if you’re using a deprecated function then you can pass
`-Werror=deprecations` to GHC and it will treat use of `DEPRECATED` as an
= Alternatives Considered
== No change (baseline)
The current state of the world as discussed in the //Motivation// section
causes real issues related to natural evolution of APIs. I feel that this
is not desirable in the long term.
== Ask people to exclude `DEPRECATED` from `-Werror`
Another option is to ask folks to not treat deprecations as errors by
explicitly passing `-Wwarn=deprecations` (still requires changes to GHC
since `WARNING` and `DEPRECATED` are grouped together currently). This
would “fix” the problem but makes the assumption that everyone updates
their build flags appropriately which is an incredibly unreasonable
assumption. It also doesn’t actually address the core problem of use of
deprecated APIs being treated as erroneous.
= Related Work/Proposals
There is an open PR to the PVP to no longer require a major version bump
when a `DEPRECATED` pragma is added which has received support from both
the community and members of the CLC
(https://github.com/haskell/pvp/pull/18) and follows the same reasoning as
here, namely that deprecating something is not meant to (and should not)
break anything since it doesn’t change the API, it simply provides some
information to users of the library.
= Example Implementation
I've put together a possible implementation of this at
https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/89, but please do not
comment on design there, keep that in the trac issue here.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/16163>
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