[GHC] #16114: strange "instance .. => .. => .. where ..."
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jan 8 01:29:56 UTC 2019
#16114: strange "instance .. => .. => .. where ..."
Reporter: j.waldmann | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.6.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by RyanGlScott):
Assuming that we don't wish to accept the original program, I think we can
blame `rnClsInstDecl`.
This] is the first part of that function:
rnClsInstDecl :: ClsInstDecl GhcPs -> RnM (ClsInstDecl GhcRn, FreeVars)
rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
, cid_sigs = uprags, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_overlap_mode = oflag
, cid_datafam_insts = adts })
= do { (inst_ty', inst_fvs) <- rnLHsInstType (text "an instance
declaration") inst_ty
; let (ktv_names, _, head_ty') = splitLHsInstDeclTy inst_ty'
; let cls = case hsTyGetAppHead_maybe head_ty' of
Nothing -> mkUnboundName (mkTcOccFS (fsLit
Just (dL->L _ cls) -> cls
-- rnLHsInstType has added an error message
-- if hsTyGetAppHead_maybe fails
Since we're using `splitLHsInstDeclTy` to decompose `inst_ty`, if we feed
it something sketchy like `Eq a => Eq a => Eq (T a)` as input, then
`head_ty'` will be `Eq a => Eq (T a)` (which is not headed by a class,
leading to havoc later on). Notice that that comment at the bottom assumes
that `rnLHsInstType` throws an error message if `inst_ty` is malformed.
But in commit 1c062b794bf71a329f65813ce7b72fe2bd3935f0, we have:
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
index 2305a04..b2dafb2 100644 (file)
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
@@ -326,20 +326,8 @@ rnImplicitBndrs bind_free_tvs doc
rnLHsInstType :: SDoc -> LHsSigType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsSigType GhcRn,
-- Rename the type in an instance or standalone deriving decl
-- The 'doc_str' is "an instance declaration" or "a VECTORISE pragma"
-rnLHsInstType doc_str inst_ty
- | Just cls <- getLHsInstDeclClass_maybe inst_ty
- , isTcOcc (rdrNameOcc (unLoc cls))
- -- The guards check that the instance type looks like
- -- blah => C ty1 .. tyn
- = do { let full_doc = doc_str <+> text "for" <+> quotes (ppr cls)
- ; rnHsSigType (GenericCtx full_doc) inst_ty }
- | otherwise -- The instance is malformed, but we'd still like
- -- to make progress rather than failing outright, so
- -- we report more errors. So we rename it anyway.
- = do { addErrAt (getLoc (hsSigType inst_ty)) $
- text "Malformed instance:" <+> ppr inst_ty
- ; rnHsSigType (GenericCtx doc_str) inst_ty }
+-- Do not try to decompose the inst_ty in case it is malformed
+rnLHsInstType doc inst_ty = rnHsSigType (GenericCtx doc) inst_ty
mk_implicit_bndrs :: [Name] -- implicitly bound
-> a -- payload
Notice that `rnLHsInstType` no longer errors if given malformed input! So
`rnClsInstDecl` charges on under the false pretense that `rnLHsInstType`
Perhaps the right thing to do would be to move the old validity check from
`rnLHsInstType` to `rnClsInstDecl`?
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/16114#comment:2>
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