[GHC] #15627: Absent unlifted bindings
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Sep 11 15:07:27 UTC 2018
#15627: Absent unlifted bindings
Reporter: sgraf | Owner: (none)
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: ⊥
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.4.3
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: | Type of failure: None/Unknown
Unknown/Multiple |
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets: #9279 #4328
Differential Rev(s): | Wiki Page:
As simonpj put it in ticket:9279#comment:20:
> For a long time, the worker/wrapper splitter has given up on absent
> arguments of certain unlifted types: see `Literal.absentLiteralOf` and
> `Note [Absent errors]` in `WwLib`. This is very annoying because it
> that we get left with functions that take a bunch of arguments they do
> use, as in this ticket (#9279).
> For lifted types T we build an absent value as a thunk of form
> {{{
> aBSENT_ERROR_ID @T "Used absent value"
> }}}
> This does two things
> A. It gives us something, of the right type, to use in place of the
> we aren't passing any more.
> B. It gives an extra sanity check: if that value is ever used (a
> bug) we'll get a runtime error message.
> For unlifted types we don't have thunks, so we can't do this. As you
> see in `absentLiteralOf`, for some types we just make up a silly value:
> e.g. for `Char#` we use `'x#'`; for `Int#` we use `0#`.
> Note, however that
> * Substituting a particular value serves purpose (A) but not purpose
> (B). A compiler bug would go undetected. This is sad: e.g. #11126
> is a real bug that was detected by (B). But I see no way out.
> * It doesn't work for `Array#`, `MutVar#`, `TVar#` etc because we have
> no available literal values of those types.
> So Sebastian is suggesting that we add a new literal value -- call it
> a '''rubbish value''' -- which can work for any (unlifted type),
> extending `Literal` something like this
> {{{
> data Literal = ...
> | RubbishLit Type
> }}}
> We need to store the type so we can still do `literalType`.
> Now
> * Maybe we could get rid of `MachNullAddr` in favour of this new
> * I think -- but I am not sure -- that this literal should never occur
> in code generation. For example, we should never pass a rubbish value
> to a function. Before then dead-code elimination should have got rid
> of it I'm not 100% certain, but if this was true, it'd be a great
> sanity check.
> * Yes, `Literal` has `Eq` and `Ord` -- but I'm not sure why. Try
> them and seeing what happens! (Generally I think it'd be better to
> define `eqLit` and `cmpLit` and cal them, rather than use `==` and
> so much easier to grep for!
> And in fact, we do have `eqType` and `cmpType`.
> * Do we need to spit out a `RubbishLit` in the `Binary` instance.
> This seems more likely, because perhaps these rubbish values can occur
> in unfoldings, which are serialised as their parse tree. But
> the we can just serialise the `Type`. It won't happen much.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15627>
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