[GHC] #15743: Nail down the Required/Inferred/Specified story
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Oct 15 03:23:50 UTC 2018
#15743: Nail down the Required/Inferred/Specified story
Reporter: simonpj | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.6.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
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Comment (by goldfire):
Here is the defining property of `Specified`:
* All specified arguments have a predictable order. In other words, this
order is stable regardless of what GHC's solver does.
As long as we can uphold that property, then we're free to label variables
as Specified.
Furthermore, the place where we put Inferred variables is never important
and needn't be specified.
Accordingly, we can relax a few restrictions in Simon's description. I
propose this algorithm instead:
1. Perform kind inference, getting a fully-settled kind for each variable.
This process may introduce new kind variables we would like to quantify
over. The precise process is beyond the scope of this ticket.
2. Put the variables in this order: first the newly-quantified variables
never written by the user (the Inferred ones), in any order; then the
Specified ones in order of first lexical occurrence, reading left-to-
right; then the Required ones, in their left-to-right order.
3. Sort all these variables according to ''ScopedSort''. If ''ScopedSort''
tries to move one Required variable past another, fail.
This new way of treating the variables relaxes two restrictions imposed
above: that a Specified can never appear after a Required, and that an
Inferred can never appear after a Specified. Here is an example:
data SimilarKind :: forall (c :: k) (d :: k). Proxy c -> Proxy d -> Type
data T k (c :: k) (a :: Proxy c) b (x :: SimilarKind a b)
We will want to quantify over `b`'s kind (call it `Proxy d`), but that
kind depends on the Required `k`. Simon's approach would reject (where? it
doesn't say) because we put Inferred before Specified before Required. But
my approach will infer
T :: forall (k :: Type) -> forall {d :: k}. forall (c :: k) (a :: Proxy c)
(b :: Proxy d) -> SimilarKind a b -> Type
Note that `d` comes after `k`. This declaration is rejected today, whether
or not we write down `b`'s kind explicitly.
I had been loathe to allow such mixed quantification in the past, but now
that the algorithm is written down (and can be included in the manual), I
feel comfortable doing it.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15743#comment:1>
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