[GHC] #15009: Float equalities past local equalities

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Oct 4 06:57:24 UTC 2018

#15009: Float equalities past local equalities
        Reporter:  goldfire          |                Owner:  (none)
            Type:  feature request   |               Status:  closed
        Priority:  normal            |            Milestone:  8.4.3
       Component:  Compiler          |              Version:  8.2.2
      Resolution:  fixed             |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |         Architecture:
                                     |  Unknown/Multiple
 Type of failure:  None/Unknown      |            Test Case:  gadt/T15009
      Blocked By:                    |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:                    |  Differential Rev(s):
       Wiki Page:                    |

Comment (by nfrisby):

 Replying to [comment:11 simonpj]:

 I've spent the evening reading all the examples I could find (see previous
 comment) and drafting this comment. I think the example you gave in
 #[comment:11] does address my precise question in #[comment:10] about
 {{{getNoGivenEqs}}} in a way that no other existing example does. So it
 would probably be useful in the Note.

 However, I can also now ask a more exact question! I pose two questions

 With GHC, the following does not typecheck, because {{{z}}}
 is untouchable under the pattern matches.

 data TFun z = MkTFun (forall y. T y -> z)

 data T a where
   T1 :: T Bool
   T2 :: T Char

 example () = MkTFun (\x -> case x of { T1 -> True; T2 -> False })

 The constraint solver gets stuck in this state in the {{{-ddump-tc-
 trace}}} (I grabbed this from the middle because the taus become sks after
 a certain point and I didn't intend for that to be relevant).

 solveNestedImplications starting {
 solveImplication {
   Implic {
     TcLevel = 2
     Skolems = y_aWl[sk:2]
     No-eqs = True
     Status = Unsolved
     Given =
     Wanted =
       WC {wc_impl =
             Implic {
               TcLevel = 3
               Skolems =
               No-eqs = False
               Status = Unsolved
               Given = co_aWq :: y_aWl[sk:2] GHC.Prim.~# Bool
               Wanted =
                 WC {wc_simple =
                       [WD] hole{co_aWB} {1}:: z_aWj[tau:1]
                                               GHC.Prim.~# Bool
               Binds = EvBindsVar<aWs>
               a pattern with constructor: T1 :: T Bool, in a case
 alternative }
             Implic {
               TcLevel = 3
               Skolems =
               No-eqs = False
               Status = Unsolved
               Given = co_aWt :: y_aWl[sk:2] GHC.Prim.~# Char
               Wanted =
                 WC {wc_simple =
                       [WD] hole{co_aWC} {1}:: z_aWj[tau:1]
                                               GHC.Prim.~# Bool
               Binds = EvBindsVar<aWv>
               a pattern with constructor: T2 :: T Char, in a case
 alternative }}
     Binds = EvBindsVar<aWw>
     a type expected by the context:
       forall y. T y -> z_aWj[tau:1] }
   Inerts {Unsolved goals = 0}
          Inert fsks = []


 {{{co_aWB}}} and {{{co_aWC}}} do not float; their parent implication has a
 given equality (where {{{skolem_bound_here}}} is {{{False}}}), so the
 {{{floatEqualities}}} function gives up immediately.

 Thus, my first question is: Why wouldn't we want GHC to float {{{z[tau:1]
 ~ Bool}}} past {{{y[sk:2] ~ Bool}}} here? The rest of this comment
 explains why I don't think the existing examples answer that question.

 This simple rule that causes {{{floatEqualities}}} to currently give up
 here is motivated by examples found in {{{Note [Float Equalities out of
 Implications]}}} and also in Section 5.1 and Example 5.1 of jfp-
 outsidein.pdf (print pages 35 and 37). However, in all of those examples
 the given and the wanted equalities involve metavars with the same level.
 In this comment's example, the levels and {{{TcTyVarDetails}}} flavors are
 different and that seems relevant to me.

 In particular, because of the levels, {{{z := y}}} is not a valid
 assignment -- but such an assignment (which is valid when {{{level(y) <=
 level(z)}}}) motivates the conservative rule in both {{{Note [Float
 Equalities out of Implications]}}} and also Section 5.1 of the paper.
 Relatedly, Example 5.1 from the paper points out that an assignment akin
 to {{{z := F y}}} might become a solution; that assignment is also invalid
 if {{{level(y) > level(z)}}}.

 Your example from #[comment:11] ...

 data S a where
   MkS :: S Int

 g :: forall a. S a -> a -> ()
 g x y = let h = \z -> ( z :: Int
                       , case x of
                          MkS -> [y,z])
         in h (3 :: Int) `seq` ()

 ... gets stuck here in the {{{-ddump-tc-trace}}} ...

 setImplicationStatus(not-all-solved) }
   Implic {
     TcLevel = 1
     Skolems = a_a1ln[sk:1]
     No-eqs = True
     Status = Unsolved
     Given =
     Wanted =
       WC {wc_impl =
             Implic {
               TcLevel = 2
               Skolems =
               No-eqs = False
               Status = Unsolved
               Given = co_a1lH :: a_a1ln[sk:1] GHC.Prim.~# Int
               Wanted =
                 WC {wc_simple =
                       [WD] hole{co_a1lY} {2}:: b_a1ly[tau:1]
                                                GHC.Prim.~# [Int]
               Binds = EvBindsVar<a1lL>
               a pattern with constructor: MkS :: S Int, in a case
 alternative }}
     Binds = EvBindsVar<a1lV>
     the type signature for:
       g :: forall a. S a -> a -> () }
 Constraint solver steps = 3
 unflattenGivens []
 End simplifyTop }
 reportUnsolved {

 ... as it should! The given and the wanted both have type variables of the
 same level, so {{{b := a}}} is a valid assignment.

 The example from #[comment:5] that directly motivated this exact ticket is
 a little more involved. In that case, the given equality is between
 variables of level 2 and 3, while the wanted equality is for a variable of
 level 2. To some degree, the {{{level(y) > level(z)}}} condition does hold
 here. It's certainly more subtle than my example, but maybe the let-bound
 skolem rule could be subsumed by my hypothetical "float equalities past
 equalities if the involved levels are OK" rule.

 My second question is: Does such a "float equalities past equalities if
 the involved levels are OK" rule seem feasible/practical? Has that been
 investigated at all? I'm particularly worried I'm overlooking some pitfall
 due to the open world assumption, though skolems seem relatively

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15009#comment:16>
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