[GHC] #15927: Weird interaction between fundeps and overlappable instances
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Nov 22 11:27:46 UTC 2018
#15927: Weird interaction between fundeps and overlappable instances
Reporter: Darwin226 | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.6.3
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.6.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
| FunctionalDependencies
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC accepts | Unknown/Multiple
invalid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: 10675, 15632 | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by AntC):
A more-principled FunDep consistency (see #15632) says:
* The two instances for `MyState`are fine (but see below):
- the FunDep is full;
- the instance heads are in a strict substitution order;
- on the more specific instance, its argument side `(StateT s m)` is
strictly more specific -- i.e. than `(t m)`.
However the signature for `f` gets rejected:
* "Constraints are not consistent with Functional Dependencies"
d'uh. If I comment out the signature, that type gets inferred anyway, and
rejected for the same reason.
Whereas in GHC, `works2` does indeed work and produce the expected output.
(I needed to give it a signature to say it's in `IO`.)
And using your `g` works, as you say, without a signature:
works3 = runStateT (runStateT g (7 :: Int)) 'b'
>> Instead of complaining that Int doesn't match Char (due to the
fundep), it just rejects the instance and takes the overlappable one that
does match.
Yes your analysis is correct. And that's a folk-art way to subvert the
FunDep. To prove your analysis, change the more-specific instance:
instance (Monad m, s ~ s') => MyState s' (StateT s m) where
getMyState = get
By avoiding the repeated `s` in your original instance this says:
* If the wanted `m` is of the form `(StateT s m)`,
* then match anything for the `s'` (because it's a distinct bare
* and improve the `s'` to `s` from the `StateT`.
We still get the definition of `f` accepted, but we can't use it:
* Couldn't match type `Int' with `Char' arising from a use of `f'
* In the first argument of `runStateT', namely `f'
In the first argument of `runStateT', namely
`(runStateT f (5 :: Int))'
In the expression: runStateT (runStateT f (5 :: Int)) 'a'
What that revised instance is doing, with the `~` constraint, is making
explicit the 'official' semantics for improvement under a FunDep, as per
the `FunDeps through CHRs` paper.
That's also the semantics followed for a Closed Type Family.
>> behavior ... seems pretty useful in some situations
Yeah. Add the example to the "dysfunctional Functional Dependencies"
Wise counsel would be not to rely on it/can you refactor your code?
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15927#comment:4>
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