[GHC] #15885: Enhancing COMPLETE pragma to support pattern synonyms with polymorphic (output) types
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sun Nov 11 23:51:02 UTC 2018
#15885: Enhancing COMPLETE pragma to support pattern synonyms with polymorphic
(output) types
Reporter: Shayan-Najd | Owner: (none)
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.6.3
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.6.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
| PatternMatchWarnings,
| PatternSynonyms
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
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Comment (by carter):
reproducing my remarks from email
off hand, once we're in in viewpattern/ pattern synonym land, ORDER of the
abstracted constructors matters!
`foo,bar,baz,quux,boom :: Nat -> String`
plus some pattern synonyms i name "PowerOfTwo", "Even" and "Odd"
foo (PowerOfTwo x) = "power of two"
foo (Even x) = "even"
foo (Odd x) = "odd"
bar (Even x) = "even"
bar (Odd x) = "odd"
baz (PowerOfTwo x) = "power of two"
baz (Odd x) = "odd"
quux (Even x) = "even"
quux (Odd x) = "odd"
quux (PowerOfTwo) = "power of two"
boom (Even x) = "even"
boom (PowerOfTwo x) = "power of two"
boom (Odd x) = "odd"
`foo` and `bar` are both total definitions with unambiguous meanings, even
though `bar`'s patterns are a suffix of `foos`!
`baz` is partial!
both boom and quux have a redudant overlapping case, power of two!
so some thoughts
1) order matters!
2) pattern synonyms at type T are part of an infinite lattice, Top element
== accept everything, Bottom element = reject everything
3) `PowerOfTwo` <= `Even` in the Lattice of patterns for `Natural`, both
are "incomparable" with `Odd`
for a simple case on a single value at type T, assume c1 <= c2
, then if c1 x -> ... is before c2 x -> in the
then both are useful/computationally meaningful / not
when its roughly
case x :: T of
c2 x -> ...
c1 x -> ...
then the 'c1 x' is redundant
this is slightly orthogonal to other facets of this discussion so far, but
i realized that Richard's Set of Sets of patterns model misses some
useful/ meaningful examples/extra structure from
a) the implicit lattice of different patterns possibly being super/subsets
(which is still something of an approximation, but with these example I
shared above I hope i've sketched out some motivation )
b) we can possibly model HOW ordering of clauses impacts coverage/totality
/ redundancy of clauses
I'm not sure if it'd be pleasant/good from a user experience perspective
to have this sort of partial ordering modelling stuff, but certainly seems
like it would help distinguish some useful examples where the program
meaning / coverage is sensitive to clause ordering
i can try to spell this out more if theres interest, but I wanted to share
while the iron was hot
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15885#comment:4>
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