[GHC] #5129: "evaluate" optimized away
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Mar 20 16:36:21 UTC 2018
#5129: "evaluate" optimized away
Reporter: dons | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.4.2
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.0.3
Resolution: | Keywords: seq, evaluate
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: Incorrect result | Unknown/Multiple
at runtime | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: #13930 | Differential Rev(s): Phab:D615,
Wiki Page: | Phab:D4514
Comment (by simonpj):
> One way to fix this if we want to keep seq# as effect-free is avoiding
inlining evaluate with {-# NOINLINE evaluate #-}.
I'm very unhappy with this. It just sweeps the problem under the rug.
What if the ''user'' wrote
..(case (seq# (throwIfNegative (I# -1#)) s) of <alts>)...
We don't want to discard the case.
Moreover we shouldn't. The "plain-seq" transformation in `Simplify.hs`
looks like
| is_plain_seq
, exprOkForSideEffects scrut
= ...
Well, should `exprOkForSideEffects` return False (as it does) for `seq#
(throwIfNegative (I# -1#)) s`? The comments in `CoreUtils` say
-- Precisely, exprOkForSpeculation returns @True@ iff:
-- a) The expression guarantees to terminate,
-- b) soon,
-- c) without causing a write side effect (e.g. writing a mutable
-- d) without throwing a Haskell exception
-- e) without risking an unchecked runtime exception (array out of
-- divide by zero)
-- For @exprOkForSideEffects@ the list is the same, but omitting (e).
So clearly `exprOkForSideEffects` should return False! That's the real
Why does it return True? Because in `arg_ok` in `CoreUtils.app_ok` we see
arg_ok (Anon ty) arg -- A term argument
| isUnliftedType ty = expr_ok primop_ok arg
| otherwise = True -- See Note [Primops with lifted
Uh oh! It never even looks at the argument `throwIfNegative minus_one`!
I think that `seq#` is exception to the reasoning in `Note [Primops with
lifted arguments]`, which says that a primop doesn't evaluate a lifted
argument. In effect `seq#` does.
So in the `PrimOpId` case of `app_ok` I think we want to add
| SeqOp <- op
-> all (expr_ok primop_ok) args
And sure enough that fixes it.
I'll make a patch.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5129#comment:33>
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