[GHC] #15264: Warn about implicit kind variables with -Wcompat
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jun 12 02:32:08 UTC 2018
#15264: Warn about implicit kind variables with -Wcompat
Reporter: int-index | Owner: (none)
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: 8.6.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.5
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: | Type of failure: Poor/confusing
Unknown/Multiple | error message
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
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According to an accepted proposal https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-
With `-Wcompat`, warn if a kind variable is brought into scope
implicitly in a type with an explicit `forall`. This applies to type
signatures and to other contexts that allow a `forall` with the forall-or-
nothing rule in effect (for example, class instances).
Creating ticket just for the record. Implementation coming soon. Setting
priority as high because if the warning doesn't make it into the release,
the actual change will have to be delayed by another half a year.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15264>
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