[GHC] #15177: Faulty instance termination check, with PolyKinds and/or TypeInType
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Jun 1 11:00:15 UTC 2018
#15177: Faulty instance termination check, with PolyKinds and/or TypeInType
Reporter: simonpj | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.6.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.2.2
Resolution: | Keywords: Instances
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Description changed by simonpj:
Old description:
> When checking the [http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/master/users-
> guide/glasgow_exts.html#instance-termination-rules Paterson conditions]
> for termination an instance declaration, we check for the number of
> "constructors and variables" in the instance head and constraints.
> '''Question''': Do we look at
> A. All the arguments, visible or invisible?
> B. Just the visible arguments?
> I think both will ensure termination, provided we are consistent.
> A current bug in GHC means that we are not consistent. In particular in
> `TcValidity.checkInstTermination` we see
> {{{
> checkInstTermination tys theta
> = check_preds theta
> where
> ...
> head_size = sizeTypes tys
> ...
> check pred
> = case classifyPredType pred of
> ...
> -> check2 pred (sizeTypes $ filterOutInvisibleTypes
> (classTyCon cls) tys)
> }}}
> Notice the `filterOutInvisibleTypes` in the context predicate, but not
> for the `head_size`! Similarly in `sizePred` (which itself looks very ad
> hoc; used only for 'deriving'). Moreover, `sizeTypes` itself does not do
> the `filterOutInvisibleTypes` when it finds a `TyConApp`.
> Bottom line: GHC mostly uses Plan A, except for an inconsistent use of
> Plan B at top level of `checkInstTermination` and `sizePred`.
> I tried doing it both ways and fell into a swamp.
> Fails plan A:
> * `rebindable/T5908` has `instance (Category w, ...) => Monad (WriterT w
> m)`. With kind arguments this is actualy `instance (Category @(TYPE
> LiftedRep) w, ...) => Monad (WriterT w m)`, and now the predicate in the
> context and the head both ahve size 4. So under (B) this is OK but not
> under (A).
> * `deriving/should_compile/T11833` is similar
> * So is `overloadedrecflds/should_run/hasfieldrun02`.
> Fails plan B
> * `polykinds/T12718` has `instance Prelude.Num a => XNum a`, where `XNum`
> is poly-kinded. Under (A) this would be OK, but not under B.
> * `typecheck/should_compile/T14441` is tricky. Putting in explicit kinds
> we have
> {{{
> type family Demote (k :: Type) :: Type
> -- Demote :: forall k -> Type
> type family DemoteX (a :: k) :: Demote k
> -- DemoteX :: forall k. k -> Demote k
> data Prox (a :: k) = P
> -- P :: forall k (a:k). Prox @k a
> type instance DemoteX P = P
> -- type instance DemoteX (Prox @k a) (P @k @a)
> -- = P @(Demote k) @(DemoteX @k a)
> }}}
> So the LHS has 2 visible constructors and variables, namely `DemoteX`
> and `P`. But the type-family applications in the RHS also each have two
> visible, e.g. `Demote` and `k` for `Demote k`. Confusingly, these
> applications are hidden inside the invisible argument of `P`; but we
> really must look at them to ensure termination. Aaargh.
> * `dependent/should_compile/T13910` is similar, but a lot more
> complicated.
> Currently, because of the bug, these all pass. But I think it should be
> possible to exploit the bug to defeat the termination check, so things
> are not good at all.
New description:
When checking the [http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/master/users-
guide/glasgow_exts.html#instance-termination-rules Paterson conditions]
for termination an instance declaration, we check for the number of
"constructors and variables" in the instance head and constraints.
'''Question''': Do we look at
A. All the arguments, visible or invisible?
B. Just the visible arguments?
I think both will ensure termination, provided we are consistent.
A current bug in GHC means that we are not consistent. In particular in
`TcValidity.checkInstTermination` we see
checkInstTermination tys theta
= check_preds theta
head_size = sizeTypes tys
check pred
= case classifyPredType pred of
-> check2 pred (sizeTypes $ filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon
cls) tys)
Notice the `filterOutInvisibleTypes` in the context predicate, but not for
the `head_size`! Similarly in `sizePred` (which itself looks very ad hoc;
used only for 'deriving'). Moreover, `sizeTypes` itself does not do the
`filterOutInvisibleTypes` when it finds a `TyConApp`.
Bottom line: GHC mostly uses Plan A, except for an inconsistent use of
Plan B at top level of `checkInstTermination` and `sizePred`.
I tried doing it both ways and fell into a swamp.
Fails plan A:
* `rebindable/T5908` has `instance (Category w, ...) => Monad (WriterT w
m)`. With kind arguments this is actually `instance (Category @(TYPE
LiftedRep) w, ...) => Monad (WriterT w m)`, and now the predicate in the
context and the head both have size 4. So under (B) this is OK but not
under (A).
* `deriving/should_compile/T11833` is similar
* So is `overloadedrecflds/should_run/hasfieldrun02`.
Fails plan B
* `polykinds/T12718` has `instance Prelude.Num a => XNum a`, where `XNum`
is poly-kinded. Under (A) this would be OK, but not under B.
* `typecheck/should_compile/T14441` is tricky. Putting in explicit kinds
we have
type family Demote (k :: Type) :: Type
-- Demote :: forall k -> Type
type family DemoteX (a :: k) :: Demote k
-- DemoteX :: forall k. k -> Demote k
data Prox (a :: k) = P
-- P :: forall k (a:k). Prox @k a
type instance DemoteX P = P
-- type instance DemoteX (Prox @k a) (P @k @a)
-- = P @(Demote k) @(DemoteX @k a)
So the LHS has 2 visible constructors and variables, namely `DemoteX`
and `P`. But the type-family applications in the RHS also each have two
visible, e.g. `Demote` and `k` for `Demote k`. Confusingly, these
applications are hidden inside the invisible argument of `P`; but we
really must look at them to ensure termination. Aaargh.
* `dependent/should_compile/T13910` is similar, but a lot more
Currently, because of the bug, these all pass. But I think it should be
possible to exploit the bug to defeat the termination check, so things are
not good at all.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15177#comment:4>
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