[GHC] #15304: Huge increase of compile time and memory use from 8.0.2 to 8.2.2 or 8.4.2

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Jul 12 14:52:21 UTC 2018

#15304: Huge increase of compile time and memory use from 8.0.2 to 8.2.2 or 8.4.2
        Reporter:  NathanWaivio      |                Owner:  tdammers
            Type:  bug               |               Status:  new
        Priority:  high              |            Milestone:  8.6.1
       Component:  Compiler          |              Version:  8.4.2
      Resolution:                    |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |         Architecture:  x86_64
 Type of failure:  Compile-time      |  (amd64)
  performance bug                    |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                    |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:                    |  Differential Rev(s):
       Wiki Page:                    |

Comment (by tdammers):

 OK, next experiment: compile with `-fno-specialise`, and diff `-ddump-
 simpl-stats` output (minus the PreInline and PostInline parts). Which
 gives us:

 --- stats-8.0.2/Cl3.dump-simpl-stats    2018-07-12 16:25:23.219578828
 +++ stats-8.4.3/Cl3.dump-simpl-stats    2018-07-12 16:42:41.644219237
 @@ -1,74 +1,78 @@

  ==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
 -2018-07-12 13:46:13.85196043 UTC
 +2018-07-12 14:25:41.716397419 UTC

 -140 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 35 Lambda
 +131 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 22 Lambda

  ==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
 -2018-07-12 13:46:17.767931325 UTC
 +2018-07-12 14:26:18.231633767 UTC

 -24 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 42 Lambda
 +1 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 25 Lambda

  ==================== Grand total simplifier statistics
 -2018-07-12 13:46:19.653844196 UTC
 +2018-07-12 14:26:39.421166819 UTC

 -Total ticks:     44196
 +Total ticks:     91304

 -6609 UnfoldingDone
 -  1681 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$c*
 +5077 UnfoldingDone
    1681 GHC.Float.timesDouble
 -  729 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$c+
    729 GHC.Float.plusDouble
 -  415 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$c-
    415 GHC.Float.minusDouble
 +  177 $j_s6gs
 +  177 $j_s6kx
    137 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WAPS
 +  132 $j_s6gn
 +  132 $j_s6gq
 +  132 $j_s6ks
 +  132 $j_s6kv
 +  121 $j_s6cS
 +  121 $j_s6gX
 +  110 $j_s6PQ
 +  110 $j_s71Q
    102 GHC.Base.$
 -  102 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$cnegate
    102 GHC.Float.negateDouble
 -  62 $j_s5Li
 -  62 $j_s5LN
 +  44 $j_s6gm
 +  44 $j_s6gr
 +  44 $j_s6kr
 +  44 $j_s6kw
 +  25 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WR
 +  22 $j_s6gi
 +  22 $j_s6go
 +  22 $j_s6kn
 +  22 $j_s6kt
    19 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WH
    19 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WODD
 -  17 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WR
    17 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WBPV
 -  15 $c/_a1Af
 -  14 GHC.Float.$fFloatingDouble_$csqrt
 +  17 $j_s6cc
    14 GHC.Float.sqrtDouble
    14 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WC
 -  12 $j_s5Le
 -  12 $j_s5Lg
 -  12 $j_s5LJ
 -  12 $j_s5LL
    11 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WPV
    11 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WTPV
 -  10 $j_s5Lf
 -  10 $j_s5LK
 -  9 $cfromInteger_a3eU
 -  8 $c*_a1He
 -  7 $c+_a1Az
 -  6 $clog1p_a1zz
 -  6 $s$clog_s614
 -  5 $cnegate_a36c
 +  8 $c*_a2h6
 +  8 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$cfromInteger
 +  7 $cfromInteger_a3OM
 +  7 $j_s6gp
 +  7 $j_s6ku
 +  6 $c/_a2ad
 +  6 $c+_a2at
    5 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WV3
    5 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WBV
 -  5 lvl_s5VO
 -  5 lvl_s5VP
 -  4 $c-_a1H7
 -  4 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$cabs
 -  4 $j_s5Lb
 -  4 $j_s5Lc
 -  4 $j_s5Ld
 -  4 $j_s5Lh
 -  4 $j_s5LG
 -  4 $j_s5LH
 -  4 $j_s5LI
 -  4 $j_s5LM
 -  3 $c**_a1yF
 +  4 $clog1p_a29F
 +  4 $cnegate_a3G4
 +  4 GHC.Float.fabsDouble
 +  4 $j_s6c8
 +  4 $j_s6ca
 +  4 $j_s6gj
 +  4 $j_s6gk
 +  4 $j_s6ko
 +  4 $j_s6kp
 +  3 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.projEigs
    3 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.$WI
 -  3 $j_s5J8
 -  3 $j_s5Jo
 +  2 $c**_a28T
 +  2 $crecip_a2ak
 +  2 $c-_a2h1
    2 GHC.Base.$!
    2 GHC.Float.$dm**
    2 GHC.Float.$dmexpm1
 @@ -82,318 +86,359 @@
    2 GHC.Real.$dm/
    2 GHC.Real.$dmrecip
    2 GHC.Num.$dm-
 +  2 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.spectraldcmp
    2 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.reduce
 -  2 $dNum_s5Id
 -  2 $dNum_s5It
 -  2 lvl_s5VK
 -  1 $cabs_a36g
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fRealFloatDouble_$catan2
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fNumDouble_$cfromInteger
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fFractionalDouble_$crecip
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fFloatingDouble_$ccos
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fFloatingDouble_$csin
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fFloatingDouble_$clog
 -  1 GHC.Float.$fFloatingDouble_$cexp
 -  1 GHC.Float.sinDouble
 -  1 GHC.Float.logDouble
 -  1 GHC.Float.expDouble
 +  2 $j_s6gl
 +  2 $j_s6kq
 +  1 $cabs_a3G8
    1 GHC.Float.cosDouble
 -  1 Algebra.Geometric.Cl3.projEigs
 -  1 $s$dmlog1pexp_s5Ge
 -  1 lvl_s5I8
 -  1 lvl_s5I9
 -  1 $dFractional_s5Ib
 -  1 lvl_s5Ik
 -  1 lvl_s5Il
 -  1 lvl_s5Im
 -  1 lvl_s5In
 -  1 lvl_s5Io
 -  1 lvl_s5Ip
 -  1 $dFractional_s5Ir
 -  1 lvl_s5Iw
 -  1 lvl_s5W0
 -3337 RuleFired
 -  1695 Class op *
 -  737 Class op +
 -  419 Class op -
 -  127 *##
 -  109 Class op negate
 +  1 GHC.Float.expDouble
 +  1 GHC.Float.logDouble
 +  1 GHC.Float.sinDouble
 +  1 GHC.Float.$fFractionalDouble_$crecip
 +  1 GHC.Float.$fRealFloatDouble_$catan2
 +  1 lvl_s6br
 +  1 lvl_s6bs
 +  1 lvl_s6bu
 +  1 lvl_s6bv
 +  1 lvl_s6bx
 +  1 $j_s6c9
 +  1 lvl_s7OD
 +  1 lvl_s7OE
 +3532 RuleFired
 +  1691 Class op *
 +  734 Class op +
 +  417 Class op -
 +  372 +##
 +  106 Class op negate
    55 ^2/Integer
 -  26 +##
 -  25 Class op $p1Floating
 -  20 Class op $p1Fractional
 -  15 Class op /
 -  14 Class op exp
 -  14 Class op log
 +  44 *##
 +  16 Class op $p1Floating
    14 Class op sqrt
 -  13 Class op fromInteger
 -  9 doubleFromInteger
 -  6 Class op log1p
 -  6 SC:$clog0
 +  12 Class op $p1Fractional
 +  10 Class op exp
 +  10 Class op log
 +  8 Class op /
 +  8 Class op fromInteger
 +  7 doubleFromInteger
    5 Class op abs
 -  4 Class op cos
 -  4 Class op fromRational
 -  4 Class op recip
 -  4 Class op sin
 -  3 Class op **
 -  3 Class op cosh
 -  3 Class op sinh
 +  4 Class op log1p
 +  3 Class op cos
 +  3 Class op recip
 +  3 Class op sin
 +  2 Class op **
 +  2 Class op cosh
 +  2 Class op fromRational
 +  2 Class op sinh
    1 Class op atan2
    1 Class op pi
 -  1 SC:$w$catan20
 -25 LetFloatFromLet 25
 -1 EtaReduction 1 x_a5bv
 -9652 BetaReduction
 -  1681 ds_a5IW
 -  1681 ds1_a5IX
 -  729 ds_a5IM
 -  729 ds1_a5IN
 -  415 ds_a5Jb
 -  415 ds1_a5Jc
 -  137 dt_a1fe
 -  137 dt_a1ff
 -  137 dt_a1fg
 -  137 dt_a1fh
 -  137 dt_a1fi
 -  137 dt_a1fj
 -  137 dt_a1fk
 -  137 dt_a1fl
 -  124 dt_d5iD
 -  124 dt_d5iE
 -  124 dt_d5iF
 -  124 dt_d5iG
 -  124 dt_d5iH
 -  124 dt_d5iI
 -  124 dt_d5iJ
 -  124 dt_d5iK
 -  102 a_12
 -  102 b_13
 -  102 r_1j
 -  102 tpl_B1
 -  102 tpl_B2
 -  102 ds_a5JB
 -  55 a_a5nS
 -  55 $dNum_a5nT
 -  55 $dIntegral_a5nU
 -  55 x_a5nV
 -  24 dt_d5iP
 -  24 dt_d5iQ
 -  24 dt_d5iR
 -  24 dt_d5iS
 -  24 dt_d5j1
 -  24 dt_d5j2
 -  24 dt_d5j3
 -  24 dt_d5j4
 -  20 dt_d5iT
 -  20 dt_d5iU
 -  20 dt_d5iV
 -  20 dt_d5iW
 -  20 dt_d5iX
 -  20 dt_d5iY
 -  19 dt_a1eq
 -  19 dt_a1er
 -  19 dt_a1es
 -  19 dt_a1et
 -  19 dt_a1eU
 -  19 dt_a1eV
 -  19 dt_a1eW
 -  19 dt_a1eX
 -  17 dt_a1dS
 -  17 dt_a1eG
 -  17 dt_a1eH
 -  17 dt_a1eI
 -  17 dt_a1eJ
 -  17 dt_a1eK
 -  17 dt_a1eL
 -  16 eta_a53E
 -  16 eta1_a53F
 -  14 dt_a1eA
 -  14 dt_a1eB
 -  14 ds_a5IH
 -  12 sc_s60u
 -  12 sc_s60v
 -  11 dt_a1eg
 -  11 dt_a1eh
 -  11 dt_a1ei
 -  11 dt_a1ej
 -  11 dt_a1f4
 -  11 dt_a1f5
 -  11 dt_a1f6
 -  11 dt_a1f7
 -  9 int_a1bM
 -  8 ds_d4ON
 -  8 ds_d4OO
 -  8 dt_d5iL
 -  8 dt_d5iM
 -  8 dt_d5iN
 -  8 dt_d5iO
 -  8 dt_d5j5
 -  8 dt_d5j6
 -  8 dt_d5j7
 -  8 dt_d5j8
 -  8 dt_d5ja
 -  8 dt_d5jb
 -  8 dt_d5jc
 -  8 dt_d5jd
 -  8 dt_d5je
 -  8 dt_d5jf
 -  7 eta_a53o
 -  7 ds_d4CK
 -  7 ds_d4CL
 -  6 y_X5Nf
 -  5 x_a1bN
 -  5 dt_a1dW
 -  5 dt_a1dX
 -  5 dt_a1dY
 -  5 dt_a1e4
 -  5 dt_a1e5
 -  5 dt_a1e6
 -  5 x_a5bv
 -  5 y_a5bw
 -  4 eta_a53a
 -  4 eta1_a53b
 -  4 x_a5mY
 -  3 dt_a1ec
 -  2 cliffor_aIx
 -  2 r_aIz
 -  2 a_a533
 -  2 $dFloating_a534
 -  2 a_a538
 -  2 $dFloating_a539
 -  2 a_a53c
 -  2 $dFloating_a53d
 -  2 a_a53g
 -  2 $dFloating_a53h
 -  2 a_a53j
 -  2 $dFloating_a53k
 -  2 a_a53m
 -  2 $dFloating_a53n
 -  2 a_a53r
 -  2 $dFloating_a53s
 -  2 a_a53w
 -  2 $dFloating_a53x
 -  2 a_a53z
 -  2 $dFloating_a53A
 -  2 a_a53C
 -  2 $dFractional_a53D
 -  2 a_a53G
 -  2 $dFractional_a53H
 -  2 a_a5bt
 -  2 $dNum_a5bu
 -  2 a_a5mH
 -  2 b_a5mI
 -  2 f_a5mJ
 -  2 x_a5mK
 -  2 dt_d5et
 -  2 dt_d5eu
 -  1 eta_a535
 -  1 eta_a53e
 -  1 eta1_a53f
 -  1 eta_a53i
 -  1 eta_a53l
 -  1 eta_a53t
 -  1 x_a53y
 -  1 eta_a53B
 -  1 eta_a53I
 -  1 i_a5mT
 -  1 x_a5oJ
 -  1 w_a5p8
 -  1 w1_a5p9
 -  1 ds_a5K6
 -  1 ds_a5Kc
 -  1 ds_a5Kh
 -  1 ds_a5Kp
 -  1 sc_a5PU
 -  1 sc1_a5PV
 -  1 ds_d4AC
 -  1 ds_d4BO
 -  1 ds_d4CI
 -  1 ds_d50R
 -  1 ds_d52M
 -  1 w_s5RT
 -9 CaseOfCase
 -  2 wild_X9
 -  2 wild_XV
 -  2 dt_X1dU
 -  2 wild1_a5J2
 -  1 ww_s5RV
 -7664 KnownBranch
 -  1685 wild1_a5J2
 -  1681 wild_a5IY
 -  729 wild_a5IO
 -  729 wild1_a5IS
 -  415 wild_a5Jd
 -  415 wild1_a5Jh
 -  248 wild_X9
 -  137 dt_X1fn
 -  137 dt_X1fq
 -  137 dt_X1ft
 -  137 dt_X1fw
 -  137 dt_X1fz
 -  137 dt_X1fC
 -  137 dt_X1fF
 -  137 dt_X1fI
 -  102 wild_a5JC
 -  36 dt_X1eZ
 -  36 dt_X1f2
 -  25 wild_XV
 -  21 dt_X1dU
 -  19 dt_X1ev
 -  19 dt_X1ey
 -  19 dt_X1eB
 -  19 dt_X1eE
 -  19 dt_X1f5
 -  19 dt_X1f8
 -  19 ww_s5RV
 -  17 dt_X1eN
 -  17 dt_X1eQ
 -  17 dt_X1eT
 -  17 dt_X1eW
 -  14 dt_X1eD
 -  14 dt_X1eG
 -  14 wild_a5II
 -  12 wild_Xf
 -  11 dt_X1el
 -  11 dt_X1eo
 -  11 dt_X1er
 -  11 dt_X1eu
 -  11 dt_X1f9
 -  11 dt_X1fc
 -  11 dt_X1ff
 -  11 dt_X1fi
 -  9 wild_a5mU
 -  8 wild_Xg
 -  8 dt_X1ee
 -  6 wild_Xd
 -  5 wild_Xb
 -  5 wild_XW
 -  5 dt_X1e0
 -  5 dt_X1e3
 -  5 dt_X1e6
 -  5 dt_X1e8
 -  5 dt_X1eb
 -  4 wild_Xa
 +687 LetFloatFromLet 687
 +2 EtaReduction
 +  1 eta_B2
 +  1 x_a5TK
 +14750 BetaReduction
 +  1681 ds_a65p
 +  1681 ds1_a65q
 +  729 ds_a64o
 +  729 ds1_a64p
 +  415 ds_a65z
 +  415 ds1_a65A
 +  354 dt_d5SW
 +  354 dt_d5SX
 +  354 dt_d5SY
 +  354 dt_d5SZ
 +  354 dt_d5T0
 +  354 dt_d5T1
 +  354 dt_d5T2
 +  354 dt_d5T3
 +  264 dt_d5Po
 +  264 dt_d5Pp
 +  264 dt_d5Pq
 +  264 dt_d5Pr
 +  264 dt_d5Rw
 +  264 dt_d5Rx
 +  264 dt_d5Ry
 +  264 dt_d5Rz
 +  242 vx_a63F
 +  226 ds_d5kP
 +  137 dt_a1Gh
 +  137 dt_a1Gi
 +  137 dt_a1Gj
 +  137 dt_a1Gk
 +  137 dt_a1Gl
 +  137 dt_a1Gm
 +  137 dt_a1Gn
 +  137 dt_a1Go
 +  102 a_11
 +  102 b_12
 +  102 r_1i
 +  102 v_B1
 +  102 v_B2
 +  102 ds_a65W
 +  88 dt_d5OG
 +  88 dt_d5OH
 +  88 dt_d5OI
 +  88 dt_d5OJ
 +  88 dt_d5Se
 +  88 dt_d5Sf
 +  88 dt_d5Sg
 +  88 dt_d5Sh
 +  55 a_a64W
 +  55 $dNum_a64X
 +  55 $dIntegral_a64Y
 +  55 x_a64Z
 +  44 dt_d5LY
 +  44 dt_d5Q6
 +  44 dt_d5Q7
 +  25 dt_a1EV
 +  19 dt_a1Ft
 +  19 dt_a1Fu
 +  19 dt_a1Fv
 +  19 dt_a1Fw
 +  19 dt_a1FX
 +  19 dt_a1FY
 +  19 dt_a1FZ
 +  19 dt_a1G0
 +  17 dt_a1FJ
 +  17 dt_a1FK
 +  17 dt_a1FL
 +  17 dt_a1FM
 +  17 dt_a1FN
 +  17 dt_a1FO
 +  17 dt_d5Uj
 +  17 dt_d5Uk
 +  17 dt_d5Ul
 +  17 dt_d5Um
 +  17 dt_d5Un
 +  17 dt_d5Uo
 +  17 dt_d5Up
 +  17 dt_d5Uq
 +  14 dt_a1FD
 +  14 dt_a1FE
 +  14 ds_a64j
 +  14 dt_d5QM
 +  14 dt_d5QN
 +  14 dt_d5QO
 +  14 dt_d5QP
 +  14 dt_d5QQ
 +  14 dt_d5QR
 +  11 dt_a1Fj
 +  11 dt_a1Fk
 +  11 dt_a1Fl
 +  11 dt_a1Fm
 +  11 dt_a1G7
 +  11 dt_a1G8
 +  11 dt_a1G9
 +  11 dt_a1Ga
 +  8 i_a63N
 +  8 ds_d5wR
 +  8 ds_d5wS
 +  8 dt_d5MD
 +  8 dt_d5ME
 +  8 dt_d5MF
 +  8 dt_d5Nk
 +  8 dt_d5Nl
 +  8 dt_d5Nm
 +  7 int_a1BT
 +  6 ds_d5kO
 +  6 w_s6Mj
 +  6 w_s6Mk
 +  5 dt_a1EZ
 +  5 dt_a1F0
 +  5 dt_a1F1
 +  5 dt_a1F7
 +  5 dt_a1F8
 +  5 dt_a1F9
 +  5 x_a5LB
 +  4 x_a1BU
 +  4 ds_a63S
 +  4 dt_d5O1
 +  4 dt_d5TZ
 +  4 dt_d5U0
 +  4 dt_d5U1
 +  4 dt_d5U2
 +  4 dt_d5Ub
 +  4 dt_d5Uc
 +  4 dt_d5Ud
 +  4 dt_d5Ue
 +  3 dt_a1Ff
 +  3 x_a5Li
 +  3 y_a5Lj
 +  3 x_a5LX
 +  3 w_s6Mz
 +  2 function_a1BV
 +  2 cliffor_a1BW
 +  2 r_a1C1
 +  2 a_a5L7
 +  2 $dFloating_a5L8
 +  2 a_a5Le
 +  2 $dFloating_a5Lf
 +  2 a_a5Lk
 +  2 $dFloating_a5Ll
 +  2 a_a5Lp
 +  2 $dFloating_a5Lq
 +  2 a_a5Lt
 +  2 $dFloating_a5Lu
 +  2 a_a5Lx
 +  2 $dFloating_a5Ly
 +  2 a_a5LC
 +  2 $dFloating_a5LD
 +  2 a_a5LH
 +  2 $dFloating_a5LI
 +  2 a_a5LK
 +  2 $dFloating_a5LL
 +  2 a_a5LP
 +  2 $dFractional_a5LQ
 +  2 a_a5LU
 +  2 $dFractional_a5LV
 +  2 a_a5TI
 +  2 $dNum_a5TJ
 +  2 a_a63B
 +  2 b_a63C
 +  2 f_a63D
 +  2 x_a63E
 +  1 x_a5La
 +  1 x_a5Ln
 +  1 y_a5Lo
 +  1 x_a5Ls
 +  1 x_a5Lw
 +  1 x_a5LG
 +  1 x_a5LJ
 +  1 x_a5LO
 +  1 x_a5LS
 +  1 y_a5LT
 +  1 x_a5TK
 +  1 y_a5TL
 +  1 x_a66T
 +  1 ds_a67a
 +  1 ds_a67g
 +  1 ds_a67l
 +  1 ds_a67s
 +  1 w_a67O
 +  1 w1_a67P
 +  1 dt_d5TO
 +  1 dt_d5TP
 +  1 dt_d5TQ
 +  1 dt_d5TR
 +  1 dt_d5TS
 +  1 dt_d5TT
 +  1 dt_d5TV
 +  1 dt_d5TW
 +  1 dt_d5TX
 +  1 dt_d5TY
 +  1 dt_d5U5
 +  1 dt_d5U6
 +  1 dt_d5U7
 +  1 dt_d5U8
 +  1 dt_d5U9
 +  1 dt_d5Ua
 +  1 dt_d5Uf
 +  1 dt_d5Ug
 +  1 dt_d5Uh
 +  1 dt_d5Ui
 +  1 dt_d5XU
 +  1 dt_d5XV
 +  1 w_s6M9
 +7 CaseOfCase
 +  2 wild_X16
 +  2 vx_a63F
 +  1 wild_X9
 +  1 wild_X15
 +  1 ww_s6Mb
 +13525 KnownBranch
 +  1681 wild_a65r
 +  1681 wild1_a65v
 +  1211 wild_Xo
 +  888 wild_Xf
 +  884 wild_Xg
 +  729 wild_a64q
 +  729 wild1_a64u
 +  565 wild_X9
 +  444 wild_Xd
 +  415 wild_a65B
 +  415 wild1_a65F
 +  266 wild_Xa
 +  242 wild_X1i
 +  242 vx_a63F
 +  223 wild_Xb
 +  223 wild_X16
 +  222 wild_Xj
 +  222 wild_Xn
 +  221 wild_Xc
 +  178 wild_Xe
 +  155 wild_Xk
 +  137 dt_X1Gq
 +  137 dt_X1Gt
 +  137 dt_X1Gw
 +  137 dt_X1Gz
 +  137 dt_X1GC
 +  137 dt_X1GF
 +  137 dt_X1GI
 +  137 dt_X1GL
 +  102 wild_a65X
 +  36 dt_X1G2
 +  36 dt_X1G5
 +  25 dt_X1EX
 +  19 dt_X1Fy
 +  19 dt_X1FB
 +  19 dt_X1FE
 +  19 dt_X1FH
 +  19 dt_X1G8
 +  19 dt_X1Gb
 +  17 dt_X1FQ
 +  17 dt_X1FT
 +  17 dt_X1FW
 +  17 dt_X1FZ
 +  14 dt_X1FG
 +  14 dt_X1FJ
 +  14 wild_a64k
 +  12 wild_X15
 +  11 dt_X1Fo
 +  11 dt_X1Fr
 +  11 dt_X1Fu
 +  11 dt_X1Fx
 +  11 dt_X1Gc
 +  11 dt_X1Gf
 +  11 dt_X1Gi
 +  11 dt_X1Gl
 +  11 ww_s6Mb
 +  8 dt_X1Fh
 +  7 wild_a63O
 +  5 dt_X1F3
 +  5 dt_X1F6
 +  5 dt_X1F9
 +  5 dt_X1Fb
 +  5 dt_X1Fe
 +  4 wild_X2i
 +  4 wild_a63T
 +  1 wild_X2a
 +  1 wild_a66U
 +  1 wild_a67b
 +  1 wild_a67h
 +  1 wild_a67m
 +  1 wild_a67t
 +  1 ww_a67Q
 +  1 ds_d5JX
 +  1 ww_s6MB
 +  1 ww_s6MH
 +  1 ww_s6Ne
 +18 SimplifierDone 18
 +76 AltMerge
 +  8 wild_X4B
 +  8 wild_X4C
 +  8 wild_X4E
 +  8 wild_X4F
 +  8 wild_X4G
 +  6 wild_X4D
    4 wild_Xe
 -  4 wild_a5mZ
 -  3 wild_Xj
 -  3 wild_Xn
 +  4 wild_Xg
 +  4 wild_X4H
 +  3 wild_X4x
 +  3 wild_X4y
 +  3 wild_X4I
 +  2 wild_Xa
    2 wild_Xc
 -  2 wild_Xk
 -  2 wild_Xo
 -  1 wild_X1C
 -  1 wild_X1M
 -  1 wild_X1O
 -  1 wild_a5oK
 -  1 ww_a5pa
 -  1 wild_a5K7
 -  1 wild_a5Kd
 -  1 wild_a5Ki
 -  1 wild_a5Kq
 -  1 ds_d4AR
 -  1 ds_d4AS
 -  1 ds_d51T
 -  1 ww_s5Sj
 -2 CaseMerge 2 vx_a5mL
 -1 CaseIdentity 1 wild_X9
 -21 SimplifierDone 21
 +  2 wild_X4z
 +  2 wild_X4A
 +  1 wild_X4J


 (Left / before / red: GHC 8.0.2; right / after / green: GHC 8.4.3).

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