[GHC] #11735: Optimize coercionKind

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Jan 26 19:51:13 UTC 2018

#11735: Optimize coercionKind
        Reporter:  goldfire          |                Owner:  (none)
            Type:  task              |               Status:  new
        Priority:  normal            |            Milestone:
       Component:  Compiler          |              Version:  7.10.3
      Resolution:                    |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |         Architecture:
 Type of failure:  Compile-time      |  Unknown/Multiple
  performance bug                    |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                    |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:                    |  Differential Rev(s):
       Wiki Page:                    |

Comment (by tdammers):

 Replying to [comment:38 goldfire]:
 > I'm sorry -- I don't understand the first part of comment:37. Getting a
 kind should never require getting a role. That's why there is a version of
 `coercionKind` that's a standalone function. Let's assume you got these
 two swapped. Even then, I'm not sure what you're describing; it seems
 you're describing your 'un-refactored" version keeping roles and kinds

 I'm sorry, yes, I was being confused there; `coercionKind` and
 `coercionRole` are mutually recursive in the "un-refactored" version only.
 However, the un-refactoring *does* produce a performance improvement, so
 there must be *something* going on here - I assumed that the original
 `coercionKindRole` would ultimately amount to a similar recursion pattern,
 but it probably doesn't.

 > If they are together (as in HEAD), I don't see the quadratic behavior.
 > And yet, something goes terribly wrong in HEAD, even without this
 quadratic behavior. But what?? Or maybe I'm completely missing something

 I think I have found it. For clarity, this is the relevant code on HEAD:

     go (NthCo d co)
       | Just (tv1, _) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty1
       = ASSERT( d == 0 )
         let (tv2, _) = splitForAllTy ty2 in
         (tyVarKind <$> Pair tv1 tv2, Nominal)

       | otherwise
       = let (tc1,  args1) = splitTyConApp ty1
             (_tc2, args2) = splitTyConApp ty2
         ASSERT2( tc1 == _tc2, ppr d $$ ppr tc1 $$ ppr _tc2 )
         ((`getNth` d) <$> Pair args1 args2, nthRole r tc1 d)

         (Pair ty1 ty2, r) = go co

 So the rough shape of the recursion is simple - we hit the `otherwise`
 case repeatedly until we get to the `d == 0` case; O(n). But inside the
 `otherwise` branch, there's this pesky `getNth` call, which is linear in
 `d` (being essentially a linked-list lookup), and another one via

 The problem goes away when we calculate the role at construction time,
 because we are either constructing an NthCo that doesn't wrap another
 NthCo, which makes the role calculation constant-time, or we are
 constructing one that *does* wrap another NthCo, but that one already has
 its role calculated, so it is also constant.

 Hope I'm making sense now.

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11735#comment:39>
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