[GHC] #15989: Adding extra quantified constraints leads to resolution failure
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Dec 6 13:19:55 UTC 2018
#15989: Adding extra quantified constraints leads to resolution failure
Reporter: eror | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.6.3
Component: Compiler (Type | Version: 8.6.2
checker) |
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC rejects | Unknown/Multiple
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by simonpj):
I agree that it is confusing that adding extra quantified constraints
to failure. And yet it is
documented in the user manual].
The issue described there is that two quantified constraints may both
claim to prove
a constraint, but have different contexts, so picking one over the other
would yield
unpredictable behaviour.
In your particular case, however, the available 'Givens' look like this
[G] df_a2ra {0}:: forall x. Functor (m_a2aR[sk:1] x)
[G] df_a2r9 {0}:: forall x. Applicative (m_a2aR[sk:1] x)
[G] df_a2aV {0}:: forall x. Monad (m_a2aR[sk:1] x)
[G] df_a2r8 {0}:: forall x x'. Functor (m_a2aR[sk:1] x')
[G] df_a2r7 {0}:: forall x x'. Applicative (m_a2aR[sk:1] x')
[G] df_a2r6 {0}:: forall x x'. Monad (m_a2aR[sk:1] x')
[G] df_a2aU {0}:: forall x x'. MonadReader (T x) (m_a2aR[sk:1] x')
So there are two ways to prove `Functor (m y)` from `df_a2ra` and
`df_a2r8`. So GHC takes neither.
In this particular case, picking one would ''not'' get stuck, since they
both have an empty context.
In general, if one has a subset of the context of the other, we could pick
that one. This additional
check would save the day in this case. But is it sufficiently general to
be worth it?
The fix in #15244 (See `Note [Do not add duplicate quantified instances]`
in `TcSMonad`) is indeed a special case. It looks for ''identical''
givens, and (as you can see above) they aren't quite identical. Perhaps I
could prune the quantified variables (you can see that `x` is redundant);
and that would solve this particular example.
Note that the identical-given idea works on the ''givens themselves'',
when adding
them to the inert set, rather the ''matching instances'' following a
lookup. For example, consider
f :: ( forall a. D a Int
, forall b c. D [b] c) => blah
These are not identical. But if we seek `D [ty] Int` it'll match both;
but since both have an empty context we could pick eitehr.
The empty context is easy but it's probably more often like this:
g :: ( forall a. Eq a => D a Int
, forall b. Eq b => D [b] c) => blah
Now if we wanted to solve `D [ty] Int`, we'll need `Eq [ty]` for the first
one, and `Eq ty` for the
second. We know that these are equivalent, but it's more of a stretch for
GHC to figure that out
during instance selection.
I'm not sure how clever to try to be here.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15989#comment:6>
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