[GHC] #15083: cannot install GHC on CentOS

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Apr 25 06:58:31 UTC 2018

#15083: cannot install GHC on CentOS
           Reporter:  kbrown         |             Owner:  (none)
               Type:  bug            |            Status:  new
           Priority:  normal         |         Milestone:  8.6.1
          Component:  Compiler       |           Version:  8.2.2
           Keywords:                 |  Operating System:  Linux
       Architecture:                 |   Type of failure:  Building GHC
  Unknown/Multiple                   |  failed
          Test Case:                 |        Blocked By:
           Blocking:                 |   Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s):                 |         Wiki Page:
 This is the information of my system:

 > cat /etc/*release
 CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
 NAME="CentOS Linux"
 VERSION="7 (Core)"
 ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
 PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"


 I want to build a Stack project on this system, but I receive an
 "impossible" error even when I try to build a trivial project.

 >wget https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-x86_64-static
 >tar -xzf linux-x86_64-static
 > cp stack-1.6.5-linux-x86_64-static/stack  .local/bin/

 > stack new stacktest
 Downloading template "new-template" to create project "stacktest" in
 stacktest/ ...

 The following parameters were needed by the template but not provided:
 author-email, author-name, category, copyright, github-username
 You can provide them in /home/users/ksb/.stack/config.yaml, like this:
     author-email: value
     author-name: value
     category: value
     copyright: value
     github-username: value
 Or you can pass each one as parameters like this:
 stack new stacktest new-template -p "author-email:value" -p "author-
 name:value" -p "category:value" -p "copyright:value" -p "github-

 Looking for .cabal or package.yaml files to use to init the project.
 Using cabal packages:
 - stacktest/

 Selecting the best among 13 snapshots...

 * Matches lts-11.6

 Selected resolver: lts-11.6
 Initialising configuration using resolver: lts-11.6
 Total number of user packages considered: 1
 Writing configuration to file: stacktest/stack.yaml
 All done.

 > stack build

 [1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( /home/users/ksb/.stack/setup-exe-src
 /setup-mPHDZzAJ.hs, /home/users/ksb/.stack/setup-exe-src/setup-mPHDZzAJ.o
 ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 8.2.2 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
         toStgWord: Unknown platformWordSize: 0

 Please report this as a GHC bug:  http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug

 --  While building simple Setup.hs using:
 -rtsopts -threaded -clear-package-db -global-package-db -hide-all-packages
 -package base -main-is StackSetupShim.mainOverride -package Cabal-
 /home/users/ksb/.stack/setup-exe-src/setup-shim-mPHDZzAJ.hs -o
     Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1


 Can you help me identify why this build failed?

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15083>
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